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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by slicker55

  1. Hi Guys, I have NWS keyboard command (INSERT) mapped to the small round 'pinky' button on my Saitek X-55 HOTAS stick. Whenever I press this button to activate/deactivate NWS the screen freezes for approx 3 seconds during which time the plane is free to go where it wants - clearly something is wrong! After the delay everything is OK again. Any idea's?
  2. Nice one Snacko... we both laughed our socks off at this one...
  3. Thanks guys... I did say I'd do a few tests and report back. Well, for me the 'trim nose down two notches' seems to work well - I will also try using the rudder instead of aileron when things are starting to go pear shaped. Last week Fen taught me how to recover from a high altitude stallI (using rudder and throttle) and I've been practising this too. Thanks Fen (for the take-off check list) - another (copy/paste) keepsake!
  4. Perfesser, Thank you for mentioning this tip. I'm going to try this out because I have been experiencing the very issue you have outlined and just thought this was something a more experienced pilot would counteract by slightly moving the stick to the right. I have been trying to do what I thought was correct but with mixed results - can't wait to try out your advice - I'll report back soon!
  5. Thanks Jabo for taking the time to be so detailed in your reply. I really appreciate all the help that I'm getting and hope to be in a position to help other newcomers at some time in the future.... BluBear... Thanks for the encouragement...
  6. Progress Update: Attended my first Storm of War event last night (02/01/15)... everything went better than anticipated.. took off (after a fashion), managed to stay aloft but didn't get an opportunity to engage.. ran out of fuel on the way back.. landed safely (well, glided in, to unknown airfield, as engine had cut out), re-spawned minutes before 'mission end', returned to base but didn't land so well this time (out there early this morning still picking the pieces up), overall, enjoyed the experience.. felt very supported by DD_Fenrir, Eshark, Snacko and other members of the formation. I recognise that I have much to learn but I am striving to eventually become an asset to the squadron. Today, I have prepared a list of things for me to do in order to improve and prepare for the next event : practice formation flying practice navigation practice familiarisation with terrain, landmarks and situational awareness. practice interpretation of cockpit instruments practice take-off and landing (in varying weather conditions) practice airport traffic pattern (ATP) and radio procedure understand the brief know my callsign know callsigns/names of everyone in my Element (identify Element Leader) squadron callsigns/pilots - list (display on touchscreen) map obscured view (set up 'quick view' and ‘zoom’ to HOTAS) I am eager to learn and welcome anyone who wishes to help me out with items 1 - 6
  7. Thank you to the organisers and everyone else for a very entertaining evening (my first SOW event).
  8. Just a matter of waiting... Then Booooooooom! X-Plane 10 ... Game On!
  9. That had me going... I thought 'no way' ... then the punch-line... very good... I'm sure this one will be copy/pasted a few times! Hahahahahah
  10. Fenrir... thanks for confirming my application to the DD squad. Please count me in... As the newbie, this is all quite bewildering but I have been very fortunate to have Snacko as my personal trainer... We have covered sooo much in a relatively short space of time - I am truly indebted to him for his time and patience. Any chance of me taking position GREEN 3 in the above chart so that I can try to follow him?
  11. Thanks Fenrir for putting this tutorial up... I've just watched the other one on 'Take-off & Landing' .. these really are great resources for newbies like me and are very much appreciated. I have been practising the method used in the above tutorial (Snacko covered this method in a recent 'training' session with me). CaptJack, thank you for taking the time to explain your preferred method - I'm looking forward to trying it out... many thanks to you sir.
  12. Absolutely BRILLIANT... this is what newbies like me really appreciate... this provides some great practical tips and also answers a question I raised only the other day... wind... no, not with the doctor but with a another flyer... I was aware it is desirable to take-off and land 'into wind'. I had noted that only one side of the boards are painted and assumed this is to indicate which direction you should fly but I hadn't noticed the windsocks. I really appreciate you taking the time to prepare this tutorial... crystal clear video quality and very concise commentary - very well done!
  13. The second one is more like what I had in mind but, well, over here, they cost a bomb... I have found something that might do the trick... (pic to follow) I might need to fix a 'backing board' or similar to where the iPad would normally go and then stick the keyboard onto the backing board... Looking hopeful ... we'll see...
  14. From the album: DD_slicker55's pics

    Hopefully, to be utilised (maybe slightly modded) for use with a standard size keyboard
  15. I'm looking for some way to mount a lightweight standard size keyboard to the left of my flight controls. Some time ago, I saw a bracket in a picture of someones pit. The base of the bracket was fixed to the work surface and there was a flexible 'gooseneck' leading up to a platform holding the keyboard at an angle (now wondering if it was actually custom made). I have searched on-line (nothing similar seen) and may not be able to tack this specific item down - Anyone know where I can buy something suitable?
  16. slicker55

    Squat And Fly

    From the album: DD_slicker55's pics

    We may be able to negotiate a discount on a bulk order - if you want in, just leave a deposit
  17. HI Mick, A little late in replying but as you now know I did join in last night after another training session with Sneako... sorry, I meant Snacko! Then, I joined the fun... got off the ground and wandered around like a lost sheep trying to figure out which direction the rest of my 'buddies' had gone... I was really pleased that I had managed to keep my plane up in the air but just starting to feel hopelessly lost... suddenly, my good 'ol mate ... El Capitan Snacko came to the rescue... A picture saves a thousand words.... El Capitan is not my mate any more.... he's a very sneaky snacko!
  18. From the album: DD_slicker55's pics

    This is what happens when a newbie tries his best to master his controls and turns to his mates for advice...
  19. Hi Captain, Loved it... very similar to this one here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw Enjoy!
  20. Hi Painless, Thanks for stopping by to say Hi & looking forward to speaking to you on TS sometime. You'll be pleased to hear that your (good) reputation goes before you! PS... I lie like a cheap Japanese watch!
  21. Here's a template you can use to make it easier to recall what all those switches and knobs do.
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  22. So, I was thinking it would be a good idea to use this page to record my progress. Last night, Capitano El Snacko gave me a great insight into IL-2 '46. He refined my graphics settings and tweaked my controllers before talking me through the start-up procedure prior to demonstrating take-off, flying a pattern, comms procedure and landing. It was great watching him in action from the ground before taking to the controls of my KI43-1C 1941. My first flight went very well, Snacko giving verbal instructions whilst crouched somewhere behind a wooden shed on the edge of the airfield! This guy takes no prisoners... in no time at all he was demonstrating how to fly in formation before rounding the session off with a quick cockpit tour of a large bomber plane to wet my appetite further. He disappeared for a few minutes and whilst he was gone I fiddled around with a few of the cockpit switches.. suddenly there was a freakin' loud bang and my plane caught fire - I nearly she-height myself... I thought - oh no, he'll go mental when he comes back and see's my plane covered in flames... then I saw this strange green bug-like UFO thingy hovering about a hundred meters in front of me and I realised it had blown my plane up... it stuck around for only a few seconds before zooooming off at high speed... Then I heard this guy laughing his socks off and the penny dropped - very sneaky-snacko... Here's a warning, albeit, from a newbie, Capitano El Snacko is not what he appears... he's not from this world - he's from another planet! That's it for now... look out for the next instalment
  23. I won't reply to each of you separately just to save this thread getting too long but thanks to everyone for replying - I have experience of many forums but the welcome from this is really overwhelming. It sounds like there are some 'interesting' characters amongst the clan... I'll try to be prepared for the 'dodgy' one's! See yawl sooon!
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