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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by slicker55

  1. For those who may not get this info via email, here's the latest newsletter which I've converted to .pdf for ease: DCS World 2 Status - 17 June 2015.pdf
  2. Win7 (run the 'check for windows updates' - once the system has the latest updates installed, a message pops up asking if you want to accept Win 10 when it is available - well that's what happened to me anyway!
  3. B16Enk, Oh, I didn't realise the FW190 was going to be hard... it looks such a pretty little plane - surely not Just off to to try it out now...
  4. "....it's just a matter of how many sims there are to choose from versus time available to fly them".... Why didn't I think of that!
  5. DD_Arthur, Out of interest, why are you holding back from buying 'anything new' until EDGE comes out? You got me wondering whether there will be any compatibility issues using the current line up of of planes with EDGE? Fingers crossed / hope not!
  6. I wish M$ would wake up and smell the coffee.... maybe they have this time? All Apple products are shipped with the OS, regular updates are free and new versions are either free or subject to a very nominal charge. I've owned PC's since the earlier 80's but the only reason I have one today is for this damn flying.. Oh, and Racing and EuroTrucking! For everything else it's MAC, MAC, MAC..... simples!
  7. Thanks Jack, This is a BRILLIANT tutorial. My TrackIR 5 is set up very similar to his but I'm going to try tuning my zoom like his - this is something which has been bugging me
  8. I plan to register my interest for the FREE upgrade but won't rush to install it. I hear what Snacko says and it sounds like a good plan but I would just be careful... here's why... I recently upgraded my hardware and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 to a new SSD. When I booted the new system up, I received a message from Microsoft saying they had detected a new system build and required me to activate the OS by telephone. Although a little protracted, this automated telephone process was successful and everything was OK. A few days later, I decided to hook up my old SSD as a slave to transfer important stuff across to the new SSD. My plan was to format the old SSD for future use when Windows 10 is released and keep Windows 7 on the other SSD as a fallback should there be any incompatibility issues with Windows 10. However, as soon as I booted up the system, I got another message from Microsoft saying they had detected an illegal copy of the OS on my system... yeah... the one installed on the original SSD! I decided to ignore this message, transfer my stuff pretty sharpish and format the drive. I haven't had any more messages since taking this action so clearly Microsoft knows if a system contains more than one instance of their OS. So, I'm just a little hesitant to consider upgrading (when available) just in case there is no way to go back? I'm always highly suspicious when something purports to be FREE!
  9. I've gone for C-101 Aviojet & Fw 190 D-9 Dora this time
  10. That's it boyz, It's official... Snacko has coughed it... I knew it was him Hahahahahah
  11. Thanks Jack, You keep finding them / I'll keep saving them!
  12. http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/
  13. slicker55


    From the album: DD_slicker55's pics

    Some of my keys have started sticking!
  14. I've watched this video a few times now and I have a sneaky feeling this might be Snacko! No offence mate... your secret is safe with us! ROFL
  15. Hi Captain, Thanks for this - a great watch - really enjoyed it
  16. Hello again everyone... time for another quick update. Well, I've recently been 'off the air' whilst upgrading my system - a new motherboard, cpu, cooler and ram. The hardware switch itself went fine but then I ran into usb incompatibility issues with my controllers. To cut a long story short these are all now fixed and I'm back up and running again. I have ordered Acronis True Image 2015 to make my life easier should I need to restore my system again in the future. My plan is now is to take up where I left off and continue with my practice (as outlined on 3rd April). Just before the upgrade I had started to make some progress with the A10-C in DCSW... that really is a great plane and I know the challenge it presents will keep me engrossed for a long time to come. That's it for now... short and sweet (for a change) just wanted to dispel any rumours that CaptJack and A.P had frightened me off with their big planes!
  17. I think I'll keep the powered hub to make it easier to change the cables when I want to switch over to my driving gear.
  18. I've been 'out of action' for just over two weeks after getting off to such a great start in my virtual flying career. Everything was working fine but I decided to upgrade my system (see signature for new spec) and ran into some unexpected problems. The actual upgrade was straight forward and everything was back to normal within a day but as soon up I connected my Saitek X55 HOTAS and Combat Rudder Pedals, the computer would not boot. Most of the time a flashing cursor would appear in the top left-hand corner of the screen which of course would mean re-booting often with the same result. However, sometimes Windows 7 would start to load (the coloured balls would start spinning) but then everything would simply lock up there being no alternative than to literally switch the computer off. On the next attempt, a message would appear warning that Windows had failed to load and offering to repair the installation. I have literally tried everything that people have suggested which includes replacing the motherboard (suspecting faulty USB ports), purchasing a powered USB hub, installing a dedicated USB backplate connected directly to USB 2.0 headers on the motherboard, purchasing a 4 port USB 2.0 hub with separate switches for each port, changing setting within the USB 'options' menu in the BIOS but none of these suggestions worked.... I contacted Saitek and spoke to a very sympathetic guy in their Technical Dept who explained they are currently working on a firmware upgrade to resolve a known USB incompatibility issue which arises when their gear is connected to this platform. He suggested that the only temporary workaround was to plug the controllers in after the OS had loaded and of course, disconnect them before shutting the system down. Here's a link to a post I made on another forum - straight away I must give full credit to Formski for making a great suggestion which has resolved this issue. http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2389540#post2389540 If you're having similar problems, I hope this post reaches you earlier enough to save you the many hours of frustration etc that I have endured. Thanks for reading...
  19. Problem solved... reprogrammed the button using a different key stroke - it appears the button was sending multiple keystrokes although the optional 'repeat' command was not in use. Just one of those strange things that keeps us guessing.
  20. From the album: DD_slicker55's pics

    I've been having a few problems (well, actually tearing my hair out) after a recent system upgrade so thought I'd 'take five' and chill to let the brain cells catch up... Man cave door opens... enters gift bearing, sympathetic wife... "Here you are darling... thought I'd bring you a nice cool beer to take your mind off things!"
  21. Hi Jabo, Thanks for being the first to reply - i'm sure others will be along soon... I thought the same as you but I've checked and can't find a duplicate anywhere. I have changed the INSERT for a different command which i know is unused but with the same result. Something I have noticed is that when the button is pressed (even very quickly) it fires the command several times so this might be the root of the problem... Just about to try a different button... I take it that yours doesn't behave in the same way as I originally outlined?
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