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FoolTrottel last won the day on December 13

FoolTrottel had the most liked content!


About FoolTrottel

  • Birthday 10/29/1964

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Mongrel (8/8)



  1. Our DCS Server:
  2. Our DCS Server:
  3. Our DCS Server:
  4. Our DCS Server:
  5. GBS DF-Server currently stopped. Due to me have the impression it is not in use at all. Am I wrong? Please let m know... I will restart it!
  6. Thanks, yes it was a good one!
  7. Our DCS Server:
  8. Hi Mike, welcome here! Our Mr. Toad is still around here. 😎
  9. No worries, it shows what it is already all by itself
  10. This was a bit earlier this evening. Yesterday I took a Hurricane up from Watchfield, and ferried it over to Gravesend - with the proper skin. Yeah, too bad the screenshots failed. Upon landing at Gravesend I saw the Germans had bombed two of our hangars, only the large one was still standing. So, I picked a 110 laden with bombs, climbed it up to really high, flew up the Thames estuary to Gravesend, dropped both bombs... and missed the big hangar. Oh well - it's still good fun that ole' Cliffs...
  11. Our DCS Server:
  12. Our DCS Server:
  13. Our DCS Server:
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