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  • 2. Administrators

Just reading though the explanation of manifold pressure in relation to the Merlin. Lordy.


  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Pix of the Fw-190D-9, soon to be available as an AI opponent for DCS: P-51D owners and a little further ahead as a fully flyable DCS aircraft in it's own right. As if that's not enough, confirmation on planned WW2 content including maps! Wh00t!!!!!




Thanks to Fruity for highlighting the original link.


Never been a massive fan of the Dora, always preferred the look of the snub nosed BMW jobbies.

However, this does look pretty darn good fo' sho'!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

That it does mate. Half the delight comes from just seeing it in the gunsight instead of another Pony!


Tempted to agree with you on the 801 engined variants; they definitely look a darn sight more cohesive, proportionally I mean, but then it's not really surprising given that the aircraft was originally designed around the engine.


Having said that, however, I find the Merlin Mustangs better looking than their Allison forebears, so it does not necessarily follow!


As lash ups go, the D-9 still has charisma, if not being downright pretty to my eye, but then I don't really find any of the German aircraft of World War 2 pretty per se - interesting, sinister, functional and downright peculiar at times but never beautiful. Ah, though! The eye of the beholder and all that... ;)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

SO DCS: Huey!


It's a beast lads, and bloody difficult! Hovering took many attempts and is still not pretty but at least i'm able to stay in the same postcode as the point I'm trying to hover over!


Landings are even more of a challenge! Translational lift and vortex ring state proving to seriously complicate an already tricky procedure. However, it's rewarding when you manage it! In particular ship landings - this was the 2nd attempt and having filled my underwear, managed to prang it the next time!


Chaps, if you love flying sims not only for the thrill of combat but for the sheer challenge of flying then you NEED DCS: UH-1H. It's gonna take time to learn but it's so bloody rewarding when you do. Best $49.99 I spent this year!



Very cool.  I will get this at some point I am sure.


Do they have other AI aircraft of that era in the game to let you build missions?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Not as yet Snack. Most aircraft are late 80's early 90's vintage at earliest. There is DCS: MiG-21Bis is on the way but that's a little late for a Vietnam era. Gonna take a while for plane set & map types to expand into historical scenarios me thinks.


However, in the online DCS world there are some cracking multiplayer missions utilising the trigger & scripting functionality inherent to DCS: World allowing you to do very realistic insertion/extraction missions; clever stuff! Add in some of your buddies flying CAS in A-10Cs or Su-35s and then some more covering your ass flying CAP missions in F-15s and keeping you clear of the fighter threat, it's becoming a very flexible & exciting time in DCS.

  • 2. Administrators

Picked up the Huey beta this evening, Will be giving it a try tomorrow!

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