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My names jake and I've been playing IL-2 sturmovik 1946 for about 5 months. I've learned the ropes with my joystick and I'm well with flying. Emergency situation? No problem, I'll be sure to bellyflop the plane or land without a left Gear very easily. I think my favorite plane in-game would be the Bf-109 or the P-51 Mustang. Why is my name Zip-Zap? I am well at maneuvering when in danger and when I get in a Head-On pass I dodge at the last moment after getting some good shots at 'em. I hope to be a Danger Dog like all of you.



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Welcome Zip-Zap, pull up a kennel.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hi Jake and welcome,

I'm the resident bullet whore.....well I always seem to be catching them in the face, just hope you are going to be kinder than the rest of the mutts here.



No, you do not need HSFX to fly with the Dogz in most cases. I think we are adopting 4.11.1 as the main and UP3 RC4 as the secondary or vice versa but some of us fly once a week in SEOW missions (Scorched Earth Online War) using the HSFX 5.1 mod for IL-2. We fly against the 69GIAP squadron on Sunday nights starting at 9pm (EST). Always looking for more pilots to join in and help out.

  • 2. Administrators

At the moment the DangerDogz fly UP3 and 4.11.1 for normal flying nights.

Some of us that fly in SEOW events also have the HSFX mod pack.

I'm going to give you full access to our site so you can see what we're all about, on a trial basis, but all being well, welcome B) .

Do you have a headset? We have our own Teamspeak3 server which we use for comms, really without you'll find it much harder to communicate and miss half the fun.


I think the ability to use comms is a requirement....but a headset is very cheap, I believe walmart stocks several for less than 10.00 and any of us would be happy to help you set up your comms system.


Well, I guess it was gonna come to this.

I'm breaking the rules. I'm only 13. So kick me out, I don't care...I just wanted to join the group. I'm sorry for doing so, but every group is, like, 18 + or something because idiots have to ruin the fun for others who know how to act right..

  • 2. Administrators

I'm sorry, its a long standing policy, and its set in stone.

I wish you luck in finding somewhere,

regards fruitbat


Sorry ZipZap,

It's not how you act, It's how we act. some things are said that a 13 year old should not hear.

I know I wish I had never heard some things.


You might as well put the luck down the drain....I won't ever find a group that'll accept me...

And Tonar, I've seen and heard things too at my age...

  • 2. Administrators

You are still welcome to fly with us on the public saturday nights on hyperlobby however.


The best way to become a member of a squadron is to join in on their public games, like you did with us, but more specifically is to join them on comms as well. This way they get to know you and regardless of your age, it is easier to become accepted. Not all groups have age restrictions and there are many good squadrons out there to fly with. But all of them are going to require you to use comms.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing you join our public games on saturdays, especially on comms.

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