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P40 Found In The Sahara


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Some interesting developments on this extraordinary discovery.

It seems the more poignant and important aspect of this event, the recovery of the P-40's lost pilot is reaching a conclusion.

Although not yet officially confirmed, it is believed to have been Flight Sergeant Dennis Copping of Southend, England.

For an interesting insight into the search for this missing airman by a dedicated italian team, i suggest reading on from the following link:


And here is the Vintage Wings of Canada's touching dedication to the aformentioned pilot on their own P-40:


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I noticed this Gem tucked away in the Vintage Wings of Canada's touching dedication article.

Hear in Stocky Edwards' own words, his memories of the events that led to the loss of his squadron mate Copping - Click Here

I've been trying to use record what you hear to grab the soundbite, I'm not have any luck getting a quality one.

Fruitbat when you see this can you grab it, for us and posterity in this thread.

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