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Kodachrome Photos Ww2


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that's amazing (finally had to join in on all this neat stuff you guys do around here). Kodachrome was outrageously expensive back then, a roll of 24 slide exposures going for the eqivalant of about a 70 bucks in todays US money, or something like thqt. They recently quit making it a yr or so ago I believe. Kodack just went outta business to.

Did anyone notice how overly complicated and expensve that teardrop .50 mount was in the YB-17? never saw that before. And the GI in the WW1 helmet with an M-1....that's rare to.

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  • 2. Administrators

Nice work skypup, they're really good!

Hi Dragon, not seen you here before I think - welcome aboard if I've not said it before...(it's my advancing age - lol)


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