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Salute all friends

For a few years I have been with you and I pray for many many more years.. More then 30 years away, I already dream of the day that I could be flying all day long. But that is then, now is now.. And work and life is always seeming to get in between me and flight time:)

So I would like to ask if there is anyone that have the time to fly at other times then the regular dogtimes???

I have a work that have a 3 week loop.. So starting today 23 january... My free days are thursday and friday... next week it is thuesday and wednesday and the week after that it´s monday, saturday and sunday... And then it starts all over again.. Those anyone have to fly with me on this days......

U can find me on skype as campitom and on steam as lawawarrior.. or just hear hope to hear from U..

May the wind carry us high.. May our strike be swift and hard... and our aim straight...

yours Campi


Isn't the work schedule a treat?

I'm off work Mon. Tues. Wed. no promises just look for me, or send a PM.


Well they start at 04:30 to 09:00 and the afternoon shifts are 15-20... All overtime is free. no pay .. And during winter I go up at 02:20 ever night to make fire and keep the house warm for the little one.. But otherwise a treat yes :)

absolutely I will........ :)

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