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Is There Something About The Dd Forum I Should Know About?


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As usual, Rog is being a tactful gentleman.

The Danger Dogz are indeed an Adults Only group. And sick, twisted adults at that.

The sheep, Painless and his many fetishes, Friar and his transvestite Nuns, the list of perversions just goes on and on.

This place is truly beyond description.

That's why we like it here. :devil:

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I can assure you all that none of my nuns are transvestites as I do check on regular training nights except sister johnathan i leave him to continue with his correspondence course on his own......

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I can assure you all that none of my nuns are transvestites as I do check on regular training nights except sister johnathan i leave him to continue with his correspondence course on his own......

~S~ Friar

I never meant to imply that all of the Sisters were transvestites. If I gave that impression, I would like to offer you and the Sisters my most sincere apology.

I was referring to “Sister” Jonathan, who if you will recall was the only one of your Sisters that you were willing to send to Cairo.

Friar, I fully understand the incredible burden that you must be under trying to tend to the Spiritual needs of the UK Dogz. Just hearing and granting absolution for ALL of the UK Dogz’ Mortal Sins must surely make for 20 hour days.

With so little time to call your own, I can easily understand why you would want to have all of the female Sisters there with you.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum


My offer of sister johnathan was intended as help to supress the locals. He has a certain way of "interfacing" with people he encounters. This all goes back to his mis- spent youth but as I am entering this on my iPhone, more about that for another time.

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