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Now This Is Startin Go Be Crazy


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Another fine example of biased reporting - since when has 1958 been "WWII-era"?? It's not even what I would class as post-war. And yet again 'stunt formation' gives the impression that these aircraft are flown dangerously.

And as for the comments - "maybe God is saying quit honoring war." Totally failing to understand the point. Well done

And not a jot of sympathy for the pilots family and friends either. Well, they have mine.


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I saw one of these a couple of years ago at the Winston-Salem Airshow.



I think I remember reading somewhere that a T-28 was the first American plane (single engine or something like that) shot down in Vietnam.

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I think I remember reading somewhere that a T-28 was the first American plane (single engine or something like that) shot down in Vietnam.

Wouldn't surprise me. Operation Farm Gate was one of the first uses of "how do we get around politics and get our guys into combat" in Vietnam. The answer was, in part, to use American piloted T-28s on attack missions. "Legal" because there was always a Vietnamese "student" riding back seat.

We had one that lived at the airport where I went to flight school. Awesome airplane, but rather expensive to operate. I distinctly remember the owner towing it from the ramp to the hanger after one local airshow, rather than firing it up and taxing over.

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