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Painless, You've Gone Too Far This Time....


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~S~ Friar

Mate, you have interpreted this situation incorrectly. Painless is trying to rescue the sheep.

The sheep became distraught as a result of the Pound weakening against the Euro and the Dollar.

We should all praise Painless for his selfless efforts.

I’m also sure that after the rescue, the sheep showed it’s appreciation in a very special way.

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If there was snow, I might think it was pining for a Job with Santa.

But alas I see it has only tried to escape and contemplating suicide now.

As any of us would if Painless was pressing hard to corner ya.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps,

OK Sid so you've heard something on the grape vine but there is more to it M8.

We recieved a call unusually by phone from control to an "animal in distress" around 2.30pm on Monday.

When we got there the situation was to say the least a little unusual. The sheep had been "bleeting" on about being dumped by "the one" for several hours according to neighbours.

Our Officer in charge asked the crew if any one of us knew the animal which of course we all did. Apparantly it was only me she had feelings for so it was down to me as the "man of the moment" to go up there and inject some sense into her.

After about 20 minutes of chasing her around that bloody chimney she lost her footing and that was that !

Yesterday I recieved an email from her sister saying that she didn't think it was my fault and if I wanted to talk I would be welcome to pop round : )

Now let that be an end to the matter OK !

~S~ Shameless.

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~S~ Chaps,

.....was only me she had feelings for so it was down to me as the "man of the moment" to go up there and inject some sense into her. :startle:

After about 20 minutes ......... :startle::hot:

~S~ Shameless.


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