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thanks to Glen for D-day night


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Many thanks to Glen for another very enjoyable and all too brief night. Time flew by once more and the night was intense and fun.

S to the red pilots for a very good fight and to all my blue team mates who I think did well

Special thanks to Colin for as always keeping his humour as he bavely fought

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Yes, thanks DT, another great event. Well done reds for keeping the free world safe!

General Der Flieger Frior One did a very good job of coordination ( ably assisted on the night by Oberst Delta)

There was talk of bunkers and Lugers, but, being a man of the cloth, he got a reprieve from the Big Feller.

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Really sorry for disappearing last night, my pc took a nose dive, as was evident to my teammates who had to listen to my banshee noises coming from TS.

I have a question though- last night i had really bad lag and usually Glenns missions run as smooth as silk for me. at one point i had my graphics set to very low but i was still getting massive pauses and really bad framerates

i did notice that a couple of guys occassionally had really astromonical pings, and when i checked pings during bad lags

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Definitely another fine match up and thanks to Glenn once again for a great evening. As Dave said the time just flew by. I thought both sides flew equally well.

Dazza sir. I also had some bad lag at times but generally flyable. Not sure what was causing it. Perhaps the dial up connections slowed it down a bit or maybe someone was using a Dell. I believe red won all three matches but perhaps Glenn will give us an after action report with some detailed individual stats.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Many many thanks to my Blue team mates for their valient efforts in standing up to the red team last night.

I am sorry but the hard fact is that your leader was not up to it on the night. The combination of poor pc performance (dont know if it was down to a poor connection as the pc has been fine before. I have never flown at that time on a saturday before or perhaps the number on line at the same time) and being out of my depth once the do-do's came into contact with the cooling system, led to Delta7 stepping in and doing a fine job. Thank you to him.

I was also disapointed with my contribution which was pretty much worthless on the night. One minute I think that I am making progress with this sim, the next I'm the spare male genitals at a public marriage servce.

Well done to the Red team, your leader (who ever it ended up being!) did a fine job.

Great job again Glenn, another fine nights entertainment.

I shall be speaking to the Train Drivers to find out why they all had a bright red light on top of their trains though!

Once again well done blue team,

Frior-one places gun to head, closes eyes, pulls trigger, but in keeping with past performance, misses head and shoots big toe, left foot.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, first of all, thanks DT for a great evenings entertainment sir !!

The lag issue seemed worse with all that mist about in the second mission.

Would it affect lag in the same way flak does ?? Or was it just the murderous flak itself over the beach doing it ?

Missions 1 and 3 were fine for me thank (goodness) !! lol

Bloody close contest from what I can gather, so well done both teams for flying your bottoms off !! ~S~

Well done Colin for taking on the job of leader in the first place. Its easy to sit back and think "well I wouldn't have done it that way" but until your actually the one in the hot seat............!!! LOL

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I'll add my kudos to Glamorous Glennis here as well. My P-38's 500 pounders and I had a blast dishing out the damage to the Germans. I would definately be up for doing this again. I feel the Blue should have won out on the 2nd mission at least because, at least personally, I was really getting hammered by flak and fighters on most of my bombing runs.

As a side note, I thought it was interesting in the third mission that I didn't see a single 262, though I know there were out there, despite my loitering for long periods of time over the city in search of targets. The first time we played this mission, they seemed to be buzzing about quite frequently. Hmmm.

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I am really pissed off that I could only make it in time for me to pilot my Dora to Caen, and spray 1 head on pass at some Blighter's Spit...

Not that I think that I'd have any particular effect on the outcome of who won or lost, it just sounds like you guys had a blast....again....and I missed out!! Oh well, there's always D-Day mk. 3.....

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I found them!

I am re uploading them as a single zip file, and will attach here (they will be available from the resources section under 'Server Logs' too).

25Mb as 3 files, zipped they went down to 1Mb.

A lot of blank space there then...:):)

[attachment deleted by admin]

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I have had a quick scan of the logs and if I have read these correctly here are a few of my findings

mission 1

excellent groundpounding by red - blue just didnt shoot down the right planes quickly enough

mission 2

blue shot down around 2 red to every

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Name: V196WL_Blair

[2] Score: -150

[2] State: Selects Aircraft

[2] Enemy Aircraft Kill: 0

[2] Enemy Static Aircraft Kill: 0

[2] Enemy Tank Kill: 0

[2] Enemy Car Kill: 0

[2] Enemy Artillery Kill: 0

[2] Enemy AAA Kill: 0

[2] Enemy Wagon Kill: 0

[2] Enemy Ship Kill: 0

[2] Friend Aircraft Kill: 0

[2] Friend Static Aircraft Kill: 0

[2] Friend Tank Kill: 0

[2] Friend Car Kill: 0

[2] Friend Artillery Kill: 0

[2] Friend AAA Kill: 1

[2] Friend Wagon Kill: 0

[2] Friend Ship Kill: 0

[2] Fire Bullets: 0

[2] Hit Bullets: 0

[2] Hit Air Bullets: 0

[2] Fire Roskets: 10

[2] Hit Roskets: 8

[2] Fire Bombs: 0

[2] Hit Bombs: 0

Tsk,tsk, shooting at your own troops...For Shame... :disgust:

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