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Armaii Combined Operations


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Has been posted in the past, when it was buggy.

Several patches, and a multitude of mods later, and it is now an engaging experience.

One great feature is persistence (SEOW like) for multi-player.

You can leave the sim and rejoin later and the AI will have progressed in your absence.

Massive maps populated with AI friends and foes, and civilians, using Warfare mod (Benny Edition) makes this the FPS[imulator] it set out to be.

If any of you have ARMAII and Operation Arrow head and fancy a session, I have a dedicated server running :)

We use Mumble rather than TS, largely due to lower memory foot print and the built-in overlay, and you can find it on the default port on RCCLan.com (my son's Clan site).

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

It should be fully patched.

To run combined Ops (after running ARMA 2 at least once) you can either:

Right Click Arrowhead in library and select 'Launch ARMA 2: Combined Operations

Or browse to the Arrowhead installation folder and run _runA2CO.cmd (send it to desktop, rename and change icon to make it easier).

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

@Streak, glad you got it sorted.

@Propnut, got any details on the Normandy Mission - what is needed to host/play etc?

Jake's clan (my son) are quite keen on trying out a WWII aspect, and as they are quite young (15 - 21 year olds) I'm all for encouraging it as it can maintain respect for what was done by many for us.

They are a nice bunch, some are NA, and surprisingly mature and very much into the team work aspect this game demands.

Unlike BBFC2, MoH, CoD etc. lone wolves have a very short life span, and respawning is usually at least 2 clicks from the action - having chopper specialists ferrying us into action is cool :)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Just looking into the Normandy mod..

Is the map still ginormous?

Yes London and Paris are still there. You can still fly over the channel for 30 minutes in a ju-52 or drive a tank for several hours if not days to cross the map if your bored ( make sure you take a gas truck ). However V1 & V2 rockets are exciting and cross the channel quickly!


Will the English side of the channel get built up more?

Uhhhh...dang man! The map til now has taken a very long time. Do you have time for this? :) If you do and you don't mind spending thousands of hours of your free time playing with visitor, then we have some fun for you. I will try to add more stuff to the map, but with 2,000,000 + objects, I dunno what the limit is. The map may exploded or self destruct. Plus binarizing this map kills PC's. OR if it works the possible slide show factor kicks in because there is too much. No offense M8's over there on the other side of the channel. I will add some random stuff to fill it in.

2 million + objects... :o

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Boxed version vs Steam?

I have the Steam version, I read that boxed is easier to do the Combined Operations bit, but even with Steam it is a snap so long as you have ARMAII and Arrowpoint.

Steam did a mid-week madness last week for it, £17 for the two but back up to £29 now I think.

Well worth £29 if you are seeking realism vs arcade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are correct about the flight model, it is a joke but is there to support the infantry sim, which is very good (no bunny hoppers, lol). Choppers do a good job to get troops where they need to be.

I used to use the ACE2 mod with the Warhawks when we had a Friday night game going. It gave some really good additions to the game but the constant updates and the intricate nature of some of the additions kind of killed the game for us/them. I do not beleive they play Arma2 anymore as a scheduled game. Like anything else, if it becomes more of a job to play rather than an entertainment, you will lose players. Nice thing about ACE2 is that you can pick and choose what you want to use.

Rog, sorry that I did not get back to you when you asked about the host/game issues in the Normandy Mod. Gustang is really the person to ask about hosting as he usually hosts for us but I have before. It is simply a matter of loading which mission you want to run as per vanilla Arma2. Getting started requires installation of the mod and two hot-fixes for the mod as well as creating a shortcut with the neccasary command line arguments.

So far we have Gustang, Bearforce, and myself with the mod installed. I would love to get more people interested in playing the I44 mod.


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I do have I44. Would be interested in joining you all if I can find the time. That's the issue, as the DD gang has discovered. I'm rather hit and miss with them per Saturday afternoon ops. I'd likely be the same with you... US Eastern time zone here.

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just did a wiki on this and it sounds very interesting. how much does it cost over steam, and how realistic is it? (if someone could compare it to the old 2.xx versions of america's army that would really help)

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I quite enjoy it, stock game is quite nice, particularly on the infantry site. The game is defiantly not a fixed wing flight sim, helos are pretty decent and a lot of fun.

Add in the ACE mods and you suddently have a very realistic infantry and to some extent armour sim. RPGs and launchers create deadly backblasts, rifles can be stablized against objects, people can be wounded and dragged being cover for treatment. I very much enjoy it. It defiantly does combined arms very well, one of the few games you can guide in artillery. Very fun in multi.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I have managed to create an ACE Dedicated server now too, got some maps to upload to it.

Would suggest SixUpdater is the way to go, it can download the required packages to join selected server and works well.

Shame that it is so hit and miss with Linux Dedi hosting though, Windows hosting is a snap!

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Just wanted to reiterate that the I44 mod for ARMA II is big fun, especially when running around as a group in domination or warfare mode. The models are top-notch and there's lots of different equipment and vehicles to play around with. I have Operation Arrowhead too in anticipation of the next I44 release (for OA only).

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Waiting for the I44 release as well, seems to be pretty fun. Its really cheap on Steam, 19€ at the moment for both Arma II and AO which combines into Combined ops (very imaginative naming there).

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