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New Beta Patch For Cod


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  • 2. Administrators

well, i've tried it.

on my system its better than what the mods were on my other install of the game, so its def going in the right direction.

still lots to be done, be nice when they finally get around to proper full screen, and proper multicore, although one of my cores is spiking where its being involved in texture loading......

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Amazing difference in performance. Same settings (High/medium mix) and my frame rate nearly tripled. Over london it went from 9-15 near the ground to 30-35 (yes, with the bombers in the air). Over the water it is awesome, 70-85fps attacking the bombers with spits, hurricanes, HE111's, and ME109s in the air. Very few pauses over london (low) at first and then they were gone for the rest of the flight. None at all attacking the bombers over london nor over the water. Is the game fixed? I doubt it, there are still bugs, but as far as framerate I am very happy.

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  • 2. Administrators

why don't you use the torrent?


Try the mediafire one.


Try the mediafire one.
Or this one:http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/496-il2cod-14072rar/No ads, no waiting and pretty quick ;)


Downloading from the Vault now as the first attempt from 1c crapped out mid-way through.


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I'm finding it pretty good. I have everything set to the maximum with only building details set to low and trees, grass and forest on and it is perfectly playable with plenty of planes including bombers in the sky. Flying so low I am going through the trees I still get 30fps even over Dover with no stuttering. And I think the landscape on those setting looks terrific. I will need to turn quite a bit down to fly over London though, especially intercepting bombers. But why Luthier stopped those lovely dancing instrument needles just because a few people didn't like them I do not know. If that is how they are in real life then that is how they should stay.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum
Try the mediafire one.
Or this one:http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/496-il2cod-14072rar/No ads, no waiting and pretty quick ;)


Downloading from the Vault now as the first attempt from 1c crapped out mid-way through.


Advantage, once again, of having a dedicated server.

I was able to use torrent to pull it direct to the server, did it in 10 minutes or so - significantly better than the 2 or so hours it would take to download to my PC and then upload. :)

I can create accounts for a select few to do the torrents to the box if there is any interest?

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Game won't start now.

Downloaded from vault, last 50% d\l'd instant. All done in 2 minutes....? Same from 1c sites.

File size 199mb. Wos goin' on?

Ok, opened the vault file with '7Zip'...all ok

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