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These days most games if not all our cracked by the time of release, you could torrent Crysis 2 before it was even released.

cracked and hacked however are 2 very different things, lets hope it stays hacked free for a long time to come.

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With as many updates as this game will require throughout its life, it's (probably) going to be a hassle to own a cracked copy for multiplay purposes anyway. It's another reason why I like the RoF method of distribution.

Hacked multiplay is another good reason to grow your friends list :)

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Games will always be cracked, however, however exploits and hacks in games is a different. One is bypassing the copy protection, the other actually changing the code of the game. It is the same as the old Il2 no-cd crack, vs having stukas with mk108s firing at 2000 rounds per minute.

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