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  • 2. Administrators

If anyones interested, i'm happy to stick a few missions up tonight, and give HSFX 5 a testdrive, i've just quickly co-op'ed an offline Dgen crimea 109f4 campaign i've been messing around with over the last few days.


So what it this all about: "i've just quickly co-op'ed an offline Dgen crimea 109f4 campaign i've been messing around with"

Is this a mission that can be flown online against the puter?

  • 2. Administrators

I think what ol'Fruity is referring to here is that he's got an offline campaign which, like the ones that come with the game, you fly on your own with the computer controlling everything else. What he's done is to change that to a multiplayer campaign so is suioable for hosting up for others to fly on.


P.S. In any case today's Wednesday, so I guess we both missed it.

  • 2. Administrators

What jabo said.

I just converted some missions from a normal offline campaign, into a series of online co-ops which enables others to join in the mission and the comp flying all the other planes apart from the human participants, which 4 of us flew on monday, and bloody great fun it was!


That actually sounds like it would be a lot of fun to try. I have to get my mic sorted out somewhat before I try, I am sure people don't want to listen to my local TV programing in the background, even with "push to talk".

I need a throat mic, they are about $80.00 and a little much at the moment. TrackIR would be nice as well.........sigh.......

Listen, I need all the help I can get, my shooting sucks. I see these guys, a short burst and the plane goes down, me even when I am hammering the target I often get a smoke trail (if I connect at all) and then I am chasing again trying to finish the job, (and this is against the AI). Like I say, I suck!

  • 2. Administrators

lol, you're not alone in your shooting problems you know. For instance I'm renowned for being unable to hit a cow's ass with a tennis racquet. Mostpeople here use a headset with a boom mike, there's a thread somewhere here which provides some further info. They're usually pretty good at ignoring background noise too. I would ensure you're using push to talk on TS too to eliminate unwanted noise on the voice channels.


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