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I can start the game with all three monitors working but the two wing monitors drop out every once in a while. The message still appear on them but they are black otherwise. It seem to come and go. Does anyone else have or have seen this issue?

My hardware:


12gb Corsair 1333 ram


3 x Acer 22: 1680x1050 monitors

EVGA X58 SLI A1 mb

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Can't help except to say DCS is pooched on my ATI too, the menu is pure white but mousing over the items highlights them..

Doesn't seem to like ATI much, and no sign of an updated release yet (or did I miss it?).


Oops, I didn't read Roger's post correctly. It looks like he has not found the new patch. You can find it in my link above Roger.

I have an ATI 4850x2 and the original install has been working fine for me Roger.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Oops, I didn't read Roger's post correctly. It looks like he has not found the new patch. You can find it in my link above Roger.

I have an ATI 4850x2 and the original install has been working fine for me Roger.

Cheers Andy.

Downloading now!

When was this released?

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