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My Broken Map


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for anyone wondering why I always have dificulty reporting a map position, this is what my in game map looks like


I don't mind the ugliness, but reading the X axis coordinates is a bit of a pain. It's been like this ever since I first installed UP. Ran the updater, didn't help. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears :)

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Isn't there a "no frame" mod for the map?

This looks like a custom resolution problem. Still look the same when you change it?

Dunno about any map mod, will check it out.

I had my 1920x1080 resolution before i installed UP and all was good. Maybe it's due to the exranwide mod that I'm using with UP....

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try here ROX, i know i used to have a no map frame, but i cant find it anywhere. This is the one TOAD hosted.


EDIT, just tried the links in that thread and its broken, must of died when the DD site was upgraded. I'll keep looking, there is a mod out there somewhere called the no frame map mod, which should cure your problem, it was by FlyZoo, but it was back in AAA days, can't find it on AAS, as of yet, might have it on my old computer.

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It is indeed the Ecranwide mod that is the problem fruitbat, turned it off and the map worked well...

ok, i'll upload mine, where the map frames fine, running 1920 by 1200, just doing it now.

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ok here it is,


just disable the mod, and then copy out your one from the jsgme folder in your il2 install folder and replace with this one, and then re-enable through jsgme.

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ok, this should help,


in the first post of that thread, there is a ercan wide no map frame patch, that should do the trick.

Plus the download is for ercan wide 2, whatever the diff is.

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ok, i've gone through the stuff at SAS, and prepared this for you ROX,

Its the ercan widescreen 2 mod, i've added the no map frame, and i've also reduced the size of the airbase icon on the map too.


Just extract the zip folder, and place as is in your mods folder, NOT in the JSGME folder. Make sure you have the one in JSGME disabled.

It works, cause i'm using it now to!

I'm probably going to reduce the size of the aircraft icon as well, in the next few days.


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Ok, I hook up to this thread with a question about the behaviuor of my map in-game. I asked this question some time ago when the "no frame map mod" came up in the vault, when we still played old 4.08/4.09b version of the game.

When using Tir4 pro with software v5, I think I had this issue even before v5 software, as soon I turn my head and the map is up, the map follows my head when looking around. The map stays at the bottom of the frame/lcd but as soon I turn my head to watch the landscape from any cocpit view, the map is blocking view, sort of.

If I exit Tir5 and run the game with mouse only, the screen freeze as soon I have Map turned On and try to look around with the mouse. Also, as soon I use the map the chatbox shows at the top of the screen.

If I remember it right, I did not have this issue before I downloaded No Frame Mod. When new versions like 409 clean and 2.01 came out, I did just copie all necessary files like User folder and config.ini from the old game.

Should it be like this or should the map stay in the middle, if I placed it there, and when I turn my head the map kind of dissappear to the right or left out of sight/screen?


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I don't get it, do I just place the ecranwide2 folder in the mods folder and that's it? because it just doesn't make anything happen, as if there's no mod enabled at all

mod is here:

F:\Il-2 Sturmovik\-MODS\2 Ecran_Wide

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thats because your mod folder is disabled at the moment, remove the '-' in front of mods to enable it

as in

F:\Il-2 Sturmovik\MODS\2 Ecran_Wide


if you by any chance have a folder in your mods folder called STD, put a '-' in front of it, otherwise it will cause you issues.

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alright, i thought that maybe the "-" in my "-MODS" folder was the problem, as there is no other folder with "-" in front of the name. So I removed that. I got the startup load screen and it was indeed in widescreen (by default it's in 4:3 without a widescreen mod and you get the dreaded black bars on each end of the screen if you're using 16:9/10). But now it won't load, gets up to 70%ish and crashes to desktop. So I have to rename the mods folder back into "-MODS" if I want to play (in which case again, the mod doesn't work). I even tried renaming the folder in capital and non capital letters. With -MODS the mod won't work, with just MODSthe game starts in widescreen but then crashes


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Working! Thanks fruitbat, much appreciated! :goodjob:

Ooooh look at those BEAUTIFUL clear letters on the X axis, oooh, ooooh it's been so long! Damn STD's, I didn't even get laid in ages.....

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