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Rise Of Flight Co-Op Mondays!

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WH_Gustang has posted screenshots from our co-op mission last Monday night, check them out! (I am the one in the obnoxious yellow DR-1, lol)


Installed and updated the game last night and flew in a mission, lots of fun although still learning how to set up my controls , Thank God Track IR works in here ...


Way to go Arty :) hey we'll get together for a few mission whenever we happen to be on TS together !!


sounds good


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Another fine flying night with the WarHawks. A good turn out again tonight. We were 11 pilots at one point. Propnut was hosting and we all had an excellent time fighting and admiring the beautiful country sight. Thank you again Propnut for hosting and to the WarHawks for allowing the DDs to participate in this ROF flying event. :thumbsu:


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Another fine flying night with the WarHawks. A good turn out again tonight. We were 11 pilots at one point. Propnut was hosting and we all had an excellent time fighting and admiring the beautiful country sight. Thank you again Propnut for hosting and to the WarHawks for allowing the DDs to participate in this ROF flying event. :thumbsu:


Thanks MT, it is great that we are starting to get more DD pilots to join us for RoF. Eventually I would like to get a regular DD event going on our own TS3 server and invite the Warhawks to fly with us! lol.


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Another fine flying night with the WarHawks. A good turn out again tonight. We were 11 pilots at one point. Propnut was hosting and we all had an excellent time fighting and admiring the beautiful country sight. Thank you again Propnut for hosting and to the WarHawks for allowing the DDs to participate in this ROF flying event. :thumbsu:


Thanks MT, it is great that we are starting to get more DD pilots to join us for RoF. Eventually I would like to get a regular DD event going on our own TS3 server and invite the Warhawks to fly with us! lol.


I would like to thank the War hawks for having us included in their Monday night Sorties... once I figure out my settings I'll b able to help out up there rather than watch the base from my cockpit ..lol

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HI Propnut,

Good Idea. It would really be great to fly ROF on our own TS and invite the WH!! I'm all for it.

Artie, if you need help I'm also willing to spend time with you and figure it out :)


Thanks Troop and Prop I'll take you up on that offer ... :)

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For those that are interested in joining the WarHawks for another Monday night Rise of Flight co-op game, here is the pre briefing provided by WH_Gustang. PM me for the TS3 log-in info, once into the TS3 server we will provide the game server password. I hope to see more of you this Monday night. Thanks to MadTrooper for joining us last Monday night!

Date: 26Jul10

Time: 9PM Eastern

War Hawks Mission Briefing Day 17

(somewhere near the city of Verdun)

June 1, 1918 ~10:30

Good Morning, Gentlemen of the War Hawks!

The British are interested to learn more about the effectiveness of bombs dropped from an aircraft on hardened gun emplacements. Undoubtedly due to the War Hawk's efficiency dealing with the artillery threats in the past, they feel we're best suited for this task.

There are several concrete pillboxes located in and near the German lines to the North West of Verdun, just beyond the effective range of artillery. I think it doubtful that our 20 lb bombs will do more than scratch them, but there are typically other defenses surrounding these pillboxes that will probably suffer as a result of the attack. The British will have an observer in the air to watch the whole show, so let's make sure we at least score a few hits on the concrete! If we're lucky, the observer will have an escort that can provide some sense of cover during the operation.

I don't need to tell you how dangerous attacks on the trenches can be. After locating the targets, we'll first fly beyond them, and then dive toward France before dropping bombs on the back doors of the pillboxes. Climb toward France before turning to repeat the attack.

The Germans usually have patrols in the air along the trenches, including the DVII or Albatross DVa types. The clouds are heavy and low today, with winds ranging from 2-3 Mps.

Good luck to you all!

HI Propnut,

If I remember, you will not be able to fly tonight. Do you know if the WarHawks will still be hosting ROF at around 21h00 ET ?



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Hi MT,

You are correct, I will not be on tonight. I have a class at 6:30. As far as I know they are still planning on having a game, with Gustang hosting, tonight at 2100. I do not know if there is a "mission" ready or if it will be dogfighting for fun or not.

As I mentioned to Trib in another thread, perhaps we can arrange an official Danger Dogz RoF game on Sunday afternoons (Eastern Standard Time). I believe the warhawks are also working on a thursday night change but that is not for sure.


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Hi MT,

You are correct, I will not be on tonight. I have a class at 6:30. As far as I know they are still planning on having a game, with Gustang hosting, tonight at 2100. I do not know if there is a "mission" ready or if it will be dogfighting for fun or not.

As I mentioned to Trib in another thread, perhaps we can arrange an official Danger Dogz RoF game on Sunday afternoons (Eastern Standard Time). I believe the warhawks are also working on a thursday night change but that is not for sure.


Roger Propnut, I'll join them tonight. As far as Sunday afternoons (ET), The Dogz are flying on BG's server so I don't think that it would be a good time for the Dogz to fly ROF but we'll keep trying to find a day and time to fly ROF during the weekend, maybe on Saterdays ? we'll see. <_<



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HI Guys!

We had a great time flying ROF with the WarHawks again last night. Propnut, Artie, BA and I (sorry if I'm missing anyone) were representing the Dogz. We were Dogfighting on ''The Lake'' map and we all had a blast. Thanks again to the Warhawks for inviting us on their server.


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I got there very late (I have class Monday nights) but had a great time being shot down and rammed by you and BadAim, lol. :D


I had a blast also. I look forward to Monday nights flying ROF. I'm glad you finally have some class Prop, and I hope that some day you will be able to have class on other days, but I can attest from experience that you really have to approach these things with caution. I, for the most part can only manage Sunday morning. :crazysmile:

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Bump ! don't forget to update your game cause there is an update to ROF.

PM me for the TS Info..

You will receive the game server PW while you are in TS.

See you there !


(Edited by Snacko. Troop, probably shouldn't post the WH TS info, this is a Public forum. ;) )

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Bump ! don't forget to update your game cause there is an update to ROF.

PM me for the TS Info..

You will receive the game server PW while you are in TS.

See you there !


(Edited by Snacko. Troop, probably shouldn't post the WH TS info, this is a Public forum. ;) )

OK Thanks Snacko!

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We had a great time once again flying ROF last night. A few DDs were there and enjoyed a good time with the WH. I ended up hosting last night ROF event. Thanks to Propnut, he spent a good hour with me a few days ago to solve my router problem. I was thinking... I wouldn't mind hosting ROF on Thursday nights at around 8 PM ET if there are one or two DDs interested :) and if it goes well, we could invite the WH to fly with us in the future.

Let me know if anyone is interested.


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We had a great time once again flying ROF last night. A few DDs were there and enjoyed a good time with the WH. I ended up hosting last night ROF event. Thanks to Propnut, he spent a good hour with me a few days ago to solve my router problem. I was thinking... I wouldn't mind hosting ROF on Thursday nights at around 8 PM ET if there are one or two DDs interested :) and if it goes well, we could invite the WH to fly with us in the future.

Let me know if anyone is interested.


I'm definitely interested on an as-available basis, as Thursday is often busy. I'll usually be able to stop in late though.

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We were flying with the WarHawks tonight and had a good time. WH_Gustang was hosting an objective base mission that was very fun to fly. BA, Artie and I were good representative for the DDs I guess :). I don't know but Ground AI AA Guns did keep me on the ground several times :) but the mission was really fun to fly. Some more challenge stuff will also be added on the mission Gustang is working on like trains, convoys etc.. eventually. Thanks for the WH for invinting us to their ROF flying night event.


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Howdy gents, bought RoF a month ago and now regard myself as suitably inexperienced to provide some online experten with some nice easy victories.

I'm flying in the UK, probably means you guys are gonna be kicking off a little late for my health, particularly on a school night... but what the hell. Whats the score with the warhawks guys? Is it their server we join?

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Hi Fenrir, sorry no one has gotten back to you yet.

The Warhawks are still flying Monday nights, I do not as I have a class that night but several DD members do. PM Mad Trooper for TS3 info for them.

The Danger Dogz have their own RoF night on Thursdays, several Warhawks members have been joining us for a change. We try to get started around 8pm Eastern (US) but I am guessing that is 1AM for you?

Perhaps we can get together for some flights on a weekend?


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