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Rise Of Flight Co-Op Mondays!

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For those that are interested in joining the WarHawks for another Monday night Rise of Flight co-op game, here is the pre briefing provided by WH_Gustang. PM me for the TS3 log-in info, once into the TS3 server we will provide the game server password. I hope to see more of you this Monday night. Thanks to MadTrooper for joining us last Monday night!

Date: 26Jul10

Time: 9PM Eastern

War Hawks Mission Briefing Day 17

(somewhere near the city of Verdun)

June 1, 1918 ~10:30

Good Morning, Gentlemen of the War Hawks!

The British are interested to learn more about the effectiveness of bombs dropped from an aircraft on hardened gun emplacements. Undoubtedly due to the War Hawk's efficiency dealing with the artillery threats in the past, they feel we're best suited for this task.

There are several concrete pillboxes located in and near the German lines to the North West of Verdun, just beyond the effective range of artillery. I think it doubtful that our 20 lb bombs will do more than scratch them, but there are typically other defenses surrounding these pillboxes that will probably suffer as a result of the attack. The British will have an observer in the air to watch the whole show, so let's make sure we at least score a few hits on the concrete! If we're lucky, the observer will have an escort that can provide some sense of cover during the operation.

I don't need to tell you how dangerous attacks on the trenches can be. After locating the targets, we'll first fly beyond them, and then dive toward France before dropping bombs on the back doors of the pillboxes. Climb toward France before turning to repeat the attack.

The Germans usually have patrols in the air along the trenches, including the DVII or Albatross DVa types. The clouds are heavy and low today, with winds ranging from 2-3 Mps.

Good luck to you all!

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I like bunker busting, so this should be fun.

But I will need help just flying as I have not flown RoF at all in months. Last time I flew with you guys my engine died half way to target because I didn't run on a fuel pump or radiator or something. :rolleyes:

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Here is Gustangs post mission review. For my own part, I had a great time (disregarding my internet connection issues, sorry for dropping the server those two times) and thank the Danger Dogz for showing up and fighting along side the WarHawks.

Jul 26: RoF War Hawks Campaign Day 17

Bombing Pillboxes (Verdun June 1, 1918)

With a flight of several SE5a, Camel and Spad aircraft carrying bombs, the flight crossed the front to the German lines NW of Verdun, located several hardened pillboxes within the trenches and hit many of them. The 20 lb bombs were far more effective than expected, so the primary mission was deemed a success. A couple aircraft experienced engine trouble during the attack, perhaps due to ground fire, and were forced to return to France.

Shortly after the last bomb was dropped, the British observer was bounced by at least 2 Albatross Dva and 1 Fokker DVII type. The flight leader and PropNut dove in to engage the Germans, and the 2 British camel escorts dove in as well. Shortly after clearing the observer, the aircraft of both the flight leader and the observer collided head-on and were seen to crumble and fall to the ground near the German trenches.

During the subsequent dogfight, another 3-ship of german fighters arrived which forced the withdrawl to France. Shortly after arriving at the Verdun aerodrome, Fokkers from the engagement near the German lines, followed and attacked the War hawks as they were landing. With remaining fuel and ammunition, the few remaining aircraft scrambled and engaged the vengeful Germans once again. In a final 2 Fokker DVII vs 1 SE5a, Doc came out on top and was the last to land. The War Hawks claimed at least 5 enemy aircraft and several ground targets, but these were costly victories. Several WH aircraft were destroyed or damaged, yet serviceable, and some pilots were lost.

The British send their condolences and despite the losses, congratulate the War Hawks on their successfull attack and demonstration of pin-point destruction of hardened ground targets.

Beyond the official mission, we flew several good coops. We lost some time due to restarts and technical problems, but overall it was a very enjoyable evening. Thanks to all who joined in to make it a memorable event!

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Here is Gustangs post mission review. For my own part, I had a great time (disregarding my internet connection issues, sorry for dropping the server those two times) and thank the Danger Dogz for showing up and fighting along side the WarHawks.

Jul 26: RoF War Hawks Campaign Day 17

Bombing Pillboxes (Verdun June 1, 1918)

With a flight of several SE5a, Camel and Spad aircraft carrying bombs, the flight crossed the front to the German lines NW of Verdun, located several hardened pillboxes within the trenches and hit many of them. The 20 lb bombs were far more effective than expected, so the primary mission was deemed a success. A couple aircraft experienced engine trouble during the attack, perhaps due to ground fire, and were forced to return to France.

Shortly after the last bomb was dropped, the British observer was bounced by at least 2 Albatross Dva and 1 Fokker DVII type. The flight leader and PropNut dove in to engage the Germans, and the 2 British camel escorts dove in as well. Shortly after clearing the observer, the aircraft of both the flight leader and the observer collided head-on and were seen to crumble and fall to the ground near the German trenches.

During the subsequent dogfight, another 3-ship of german fighters arrived which forced the withdrawl to France. Shortly after arriving at the Verdun aerodrome, Fokkers from the engagement near the German lines, followed and attacked the War hawks as they were landing. With remaining fuel and ammunition, the few remaining aircraft scrambled and engaged the vengeful Germans once again. In a final 2 Fokker DVII vs 1 SE5a, Doc came out on top and was the last to land. The War Hawks claimed at least 5 enemy aircraft and several ground targets, but these were costly victories. Several WH aircraft were destroyed or damaged, yet serviceable, and some pilots were lost.

The British send their condolences and despite the losses, congratulate the War Hawks on their successfull attack and demonstration of pin-point destruction of hardened ground targets.

Beyond the official mission, we flew several good coops. We lost some time due to restarts and technical problems, but overall it was a very enjoyable evening. Thanks to all who joined in to make it a memorable event!

Thanks Propnut,

It was once again good to fly with you guys! I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to next Monday night.


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Here is WH_Gustang's after action report on our mission last night, dont forget, we will have another co-op mission next Monday night and you are all, again, welcome to attend:

2 Aug: Flying Circus Campaign (Day 5: March 24, 1918)

« on: Today at 10:35:55 am »


Our flight of 8 DR1 and 2 Albatros DVa types left Awoingt to patrol the road west of Cambrai and provide cover for the vehicles there. Upon reaching the front, the flight turn back toward Cambrai and found the main road bridge had been destroyed. Shortly afterward, our flight encountered at least 5 SE5a types and a handful of camels lower. We pressed the attack and several victories were hard won as a handful of DR1s were lost in the fight including the Rittmeister who, after downing an SE5a, was involved in a collision that forced him to crash his plane nearby. Miraculously, he survived the impact with only a few bruises. After the sky above the road was cleared, WolfP, BadAim, Doc and Sparky returned to the Awoingt Aerodrome. Jasta 11 claims were 8 British aircraft to the loss of 5 DR1 and Albatros types and a bridge that will require immediate attention.

Past that, we played several excellent coops until close near 11 PM CST. Thanks to all who attended to make for a great turnout and some great experiences.

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Yes Thanks for the flights. It was a lot of fun flying ROF in coop with a lot of people. The Dogz were well represented (Propnut,BadAim,TOAD and myself). We had a great time. Artie, if you like ww1 aircrafts you will certainly like this one. Check the hardware requirements to see if your machine can handle it and if you can, I suggest you buy the ROF Iron Cross Edition. It comes full game with more aircrafts then the original ROF game. The graphics in this sim is awsome.


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Yes Thanks for the flights. It was a lot of fun flying ROF in coop with a lot of people. The Dogz were well represented (Propnut,BadAim,TOAD and myself). We had a great time. Artie, if you like ww1 aircrafts you will certainly like this one. Check the hardware requirements to see if your machine can handle it and if you can, I suggest you buy the ROF Iron Cross Edition. It comes full game with more aircrafts then the original ROF game. The graphics in this sim is awsome.


I do not mean to argue with you MT, but Artie, you can get RoF for 14.90 (the Iron Cross Edition is 49.99) which comes with only 4 of the 8 planes that the Iron Cross edition does. You can then purchase any of those planes for 7.62 each (which means you purchase just the ones you want...I recommend the SE5a, DR1 and Camel). You get the Fokker DVII, Albatros DVa, Spad 13, and Neiuport 28 with the game. The Iron Cross Edtion (ICE) gives you the Spad XIII, Fokker D.VII, Albatross D.Va, Nieuport 28, SE.5a, Pfalz D.IIIa, Sopwith Camel and Fokker Dr.1. 14.90 plus the addon planes would be a total of 37.76.The Pfalz DIIIa I am not familiar with, as few people I have played with use it. The two versions are exactly the same otherwise. ICE is repackaged to add a few planes and reintroduce the game to the public after a year of Beta testing (lol). For 14.90, if you find you do not like the game after all, you are not out much.

here is the link to Gogamer.com and the sale (currently 57 hours to go).


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Yes Thanks for the flights. It was a lot of fun flying ROF in coop with a lot of people. The Dogz were well represented (Propnut,BadAim,TOAD and myself). We had a great time. Artie, if you like ww1 aircrafts you will certainly like this one. Check the hardware requirements to see if your machine can handle it and if you can, I suggest you buy the ROF Iron Cross Edition. It comes full game with more aircrafts then the original ROF game. The graphics in this sim is awsome.


I do not mean to argue with you MT, but Artie, you can get RoF for 14.90 (the Iron Cross Edition is 49.99) which comes with only 4 of the 8 planes that the Iron Cross edition does. You can then purchase any of those planes for 7.62 each (which means you purchase just the ones you want...I recommend the SE5a, DR1 and Camel). You get the Fokker DVII, Albatros DVa, Spad 13, and Neiuport 28 with the game. The Iron Cross Edtion (ICE) gives you the Spad XIII, Fokker D.VII, Albatross D.Va, Nieuport 28, SE.5a, Pfalz D.IIIa, Sopwith Camel and Fokker Dr.1. 14.90 plus the addon planes would be a total of 37.76.The Pfalz DIIIa I am not familiar with, as few people I have played with use it. The two versions are exactly the same otherwise. ICE is repackaged to add a few planes and reintroduce the game to the public after a year of Beta testing (lol). For 14.90, if you find you do not like the game after all, you are not out much.

here is the link to Gogamer.com and the sale (currently 57 hours to go).


Not a problem. Good point! I totaly support.


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Yes Thanks for the flights. It was a lot of fun flying ROF in coop with a lot of people. The Dogz were well represented (Propnut,BadAim,TOAD and myself). We had a great time. Artie, if you like ww1 aircrafts you will certainly like this one. Check the hardware requirements to see if your machine can handle it and if you can, I suggest you buy the ROF Iron Cross Edition. It comes full game with more aircrafts then the original ROF game. The graphics in this sim is awsome.


problem is .. I live in Canada and I don't think they ship up here .. is this game in the stores? Toad says it's two years old?

I do not mean to argue with you MT, but Artie, you can get RoF for 14.90 (the Iron Cross Edition is 49.99) which comes with only 4 of the 8 planes that the Iron Cross edition does. You can then purchase any of those planes for 7.62 each (which means you purchase just the ones you want...I recommend the SE5a, DR1 and Camel). You get the Fokker DVII, Albatros DVa, Spad 13, and Neiuport 28 with the game. The Iron Cross Edtion (ICE) gives you the Spad XIII, Fokker D.VII, Albatross D.Va, Nieuport 28, SE.5a, Pfalz D.IIIa, Sopwith Camel and Fokker Dr.1. 14.90 plus the addon planes would be a total of 37.76.The Pfalz DIIIa I am not familiar with, as few people I have played with use it. The two versions are exactly the same otherwise. ICE is repackaged to add a few planes and reintroduce the game to the public after a year of Beta testing (lol). For 14.90, if you find you do not like the game after all, you are not out much.

here is the link to Gogamer.com and the sale (currently 57 hours to go).


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Yes Thanks for the flights. It was a lot of fun flying ROF in coop with a lot of people. The Dogz were well represented (Propnut,BadAim,TOAD and myself). We had a great time. Artie, if you like ww1 aircrafts you will certainly like this one. Check the hardware requirements to see if your machine can handle it and if you can, I suggest you buy the ROF Iron Cross Edition. It comes full game with more aircrafts then the original ROF game. The graphics in this sim is awsome.


I ended up ordering the game for 39.99 from a computer store up here... by the time the exchange and shipping is added in, the cost would be a push... and I get it tomorrow , and that's worth a lot to me :)

If you could send the TS and server info to me I would appreciate it



I do not mean to argue with you MT, but Artie, you can get RoF for 14.90 (the Iron Cross Edition is 49.99) which comes with only 4 of the 8 planes that the Iron Cross edition does. You can then purchase any of those planes for 7.62 each (which means you purchase just the ones you want...I recommend the SE5a, DR1 and Camel). You get the Fokker DVII, Albatros DVa, Spad 13, and Neiuport 28 with the game. The Iron Cross Edtion (ICE) gives you the Spad XIII, Fokker D.VII, Albatross D.Va, Nieuport 28, SE.5a, Pfalz D.IIIa, Sopwith Camel and Fokker Dr.1. 14.90 plus the addon planes would be a total of 37.76.The Pfalz DIIIa I am not familiar with, as few people I have played with use it. The two versions are exactly the same otherwise. ICE is repackaged to add a few planes and reintroduce the game to the public after a year of Beta testing (lol). For 14.90, if you find you do not like the game after all, you are not out much.

here is the link to Gogamer.com and the sale (currently 57 hours to go).


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Yes Thanks for the flights. It was a lot of fun flying ROF in coop with a lot of people. The Dogz were well represented (Propnut,BadAim,TOAD and myself). We had a great time. Artie, if you like ww1 aircrafts you will certainly like this one. Check the hardware requirements to see if your machine can handle it and if you can, I suggest you buy the ROF Iron Cross Edition. It comes full game with more aircrafts then the original ROF game. The graphics in this sim is awsome.


I ended up ordering the game for 39.99 from a computer store up here... by the time the exchange and shipping is added in, the cost would be a push... and I get it tomorrow , and that's worth a lot to me :)

If you could send the TS and server info to me I would appreciate it



I do not mean to argue with you MT, but Artie, you can get RoF for 14.90 (the Iron Cross Edition is 49.99) which comes with only 4 of the 8 planes that the Iron Cross edition does. You can then purchase any of those planes for 7.62 each (which means you purchase just the ones you want...I recommend the SE5a, DR1 and Camel). You get the Fokker DVII, Albatros DVa, Spad 13, and Neiuport 28 with the game. The Iron Cross Edtion (ICE) gives you the Spad XIII, Fokker D.VII, Albatross D.Va, Nieuport 28, SE.5a, Pfalz D.IIIa, Sopwith Camel and Fokker Dr.1. 14.90 plus the addon planes would be a total of 37.76.The Pfalz DIIIa I am not familiar with, as few people I have played with use it. The two versions are exactly the same otherwise. ICE is repackaged to add a few planes and reintroduce the game to the public after a year of Beta testing (lol). For 14.90, if you find you do not like the game after all, you are not out much.

here is the link to Gogamer.com and the sale (currently 57 hours to go).


Cool!! Where ever you get it, it is great that you did.

Rise of Flight was released June of 2009 in North America and May of 2009 in Russia (Russian company), and we, the consumer, have pretty much been beta testing for the last year (all joking aside they seem to have the major bugs fixed and have been responding well to the feedback).

I will PM you the info


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WH_Gustang has posted screenshots from our co-op mission last Monday night, check them out! (I am the one in the obnoxious yellow DR-1, lol)


Installed and updated the game last night and flew in a mission, lots of fun although still learning how to set up my controls , Thank God Track IR works in here ...


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WH_Gustang has posted screenshots from our co-op mission last Monday night, check them out! (I am the one in the obnoxious yellow DR-1, lol)


Installed and updated the game last night and flew in a mission, lots of fun although still learning how to set up my controls , Thank God Track IR works in here ...


Way to go Arty :) hey we'll get together for a few mission whenever we happen to be on TS together !!


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