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The Duxford (Near) Live Thread


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give a warm salute to all the attending Dogz from me, would be nice to have the group picture taken while you're all still sober, :thumbsu:

Have a really nice time !


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Are you guys walking in formation? Echelon right perhaps? Try a Pincer move on the waitress at the Red Lion for me..

I lead my shift in a diamond formation while walking to lunch yesterday. They didn't exactly know what was going on but after some small corrections we formed a four ship diamond. LOL


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O.K., Schools out, run the gauntlet of yummy mums. Taken my newish crap car to be fixed. Picked up courtesy car. It's a fuggin' Transit Connect van!

"Er, we're a bit short of cars this week. Sorry."

Decide not to tell 'em I'm gonna put 400 miles on the clock and crash out in it!

Off home for curry, strength three, sh*t, shave , shower. Then early start tomorrow a.m.

Should I bring chairs and picnic rug, Gimp mask for Jedi?

See you all tomorrow mid-morning. Stand by Jabo, Sid for heavy breathing phone calls to find you all at Duxford.

Looking forward to this no end :thumbsu:

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I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight with the excitement :notfair: tomorrow can't come soon enough.

Camcorder on charge and batteries for camera coming soon and for the first time in ages I won't be drunk on a friday night :startle:

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Having Fun at Duxford: Jabo, Fruitbat, Friar.


Hope Friar is intently listening to someone, and not actually bored already.

He has a look of a guy on a blind date, and not impressed with the looks of his catch.

God these guys are ugly, bad breath feckers.

Frutbat is Oh yes the smell I love smelling Beer.

Jabo I wish this guy would just drink it???

Must I mention, I'm so very jealous.

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Thanks FT. Keep updating with pic´s and story. Me wanna know all details. Jealous me?

If I´m right I´d recognize JP, Jedi, Pooka, Pookas wife, BG with big lens, BG´s wife, Friar and Mr P? The other around the table I´m not sure about.

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