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Rise Of Flight Iron Cross Edition Very 1St Impression

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I'm just now installing ROF ICE but I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the contents of the box. A key card, an excellant fold out map with "The Dicta Boelcke 8 rules" on the back, a foldout of awards, trophies, and badges, and a manual. Reminded me of old days of flight simming.

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I'm just now installing ROF ICE but I just wanted to say how impressed I am with the contents of the box. A key card, an excellant fold out map with "The Dicta Boelcke 8 rules" on the back, a foldout of awards, trophies, and badges, and a manual. Reminded me of old days of flight simming.

More to follow.....

I still use the manual I got with Janes Israeli Airforce ;- it's got lots of info on air-air dogfight moves. At the time I was playing IAF it was also stuffed with information on radar modes, usage of different missile systems and what all the numbers on the HUD mean.

When I bought PAcific Fighters all I got was a foldout reference sheet of key commands and when I got 1946 all I got was the disk !


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I got the controls set up...all is pretty straight forward with no problems. I set up a quick mission with no ai just to fly around with full real on. I had to read the manual on how to start the engine. I promptly took off and got lost. I can't find a compass in my ac but I knew my field was near a river so I started flying around some rivers and found my field. I then did a few landings...very nice. Really nice graphics and the sun/shade looks really good.

I'll try some combat next....

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It's a good looking gal huh?

As you have found out though the air craft are primitive, and you will have to either run with some helpers, or learn to pay more attention to the countryside/Sun as you fly.

Watch out for Flak!!!!!!!!

Do you have Track IR and vector?

It helps with taxiing around, take off and landing. being able to lean your head out and look.

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Ok, once again... I decided to try this stupid game. It always seems to piss me off. And here I go again...

Argg! :crazysmile::growl::devil:

Also, after it updated, now the update screen that first comes up has an image that just says 'Stay Tuned...' at the top. 'Stay Tuned' for what?.. it doesn't say.

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I do have track IR with 6dof and it is really neat to be able to look out the side but it gets real noisy in flight with the wind. I've been doing some dogfighting and it is tough. You don't get to fling your ac around anywhere you want to...sometimes it just won't go in that direction. Still learning this sim but still am very impressed. I don't believe now that you have to log online to play the game now. I have the option to play offline I just had to set up a login the first time I ran the game.

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That's all correct. small tip, fly a water cooled aircraft to get your controls setup.

Then move to the rotaries, and learn to fly them with your skill, and not the stick.

The radial, incorporated, gyroscopic, and something called P factor on the FM making them more difficult.

Off to work or I'd get on and fly it with ya.

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I've been flying with different planes and some career modes...usually my career ends in about 3 missions. But this is a fun sim. I currently flying the DR 1 triplane, it can really maneuver but you use a lot of rudder input. The D VII seems about the best allround performance ac. The spad is fun but you can't out turn many ac. I did have a D VII flight that I got 5 kills on but then I died the next mission ... stall/spin/crash. The graphics are still really impressive...you fly thru clouds and you have moisture rolling off your goggles. I still have full real mode on (except for autopilot to get to and from the action) so in dogfights you really got to look hard for friend/foe markings...no zoom views.

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IT will be a lot of fune I'm sure. I have ordered the game on Amazon.ca on 12 July and receive it on 14 July. WOW and shipping & handling was free. Too bad I had to go out off the area for a couple of day (job) I couldn't install it. I just got back today and I'm planning to install tonight. I'll let you know how it went.


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So, one of you guys needs to take charge and host some coops?

HI Snacko, I don't think that I'm ready for that just yet. This sim is very hard for me to setup. I have problems with TrackIR (profile) and I still have to master the outside views. They are not user friendly for me so I don't have a good sense of awareness with this sim yet. I just hope that I can find a way to resulve that. My graphics are a little dark as well and I don't know why. So, I have many issues to check & try with this sim but it is a good sim, don't get me wrong. I'm looking for a ROF TrackIR profile right now on the net and I don't have any luck...:( the default profile is too slow and its not adjusted properly. I don't know how to play around and adjust my profiles with the TrackIR software.


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The Warhawks fly RoF every Monday Evening around 8-9pm EST. We could join them I am sure if anyone is interested.

I use my normal TrackIR profile for all my games and it works fine in RoF. I have tweaked the curves so it extends the view further than the default Tir profile.

I have the external views set to some keys on my hotas. I don't remember what they are, but I just use the flyby, chase, external I think. That works good enough for me now.

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ROF and trackir work but not well.

Viks is a a hat switch user, and is being stubborn on tweaking ROF to be optimized for TRackIr .

The views in ROF allow you tl get your head way beyond any position allowed in real life.

I'm involved in beta testing some some settings now, with Gozr / TX-Squadron that improve the trackir experience and sound involved.

I'll go ask if I can include you guys into the test.

I'm for Monday nights, if I can just remember.


Here is a bit on your profiles.

I have TIr3 pro, so I can't quite duplicate these, but if you have the new versions, and software. You can.

width=800 height=500http://i426.photobucket.com/albums/pp344/GOZR/rof-2010-07-13-21-51-23-89.jpg[/img]

Toad looking at me.

An other way to limit your axis from the TR.


This is to limit the axis Z head movement going back.


This is to limit the movements X axis to go to far side ways.

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I am sure you guys would be welcome with open arms to our (the Warhawks) monday night games. We fly Co-op mission which WH_Gustang makes up for us. No icons and full switch but comms makes it fun and we usually have a great time. We are all very very patient with new RoF flyers and restarts are not an issue, we aim to please.

David (a.k.a. WH_Propnut a.k.a. DD_Propnut)

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Hey Thank you Propnut!

I fly the sim almost full switch but I keep the engine warmup and gages show/hide. I like to fly with enemy and map icons. I'm new at this sim but it would be a good challenge to fly full switch :) Do you have the TS login IP and PW for the Warhawks please ? I would really like to fly coops with you guys !

Thanks again.


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