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Just Had a nice surprise

Mobius One

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A B17 and B 24 flying in formation over the harbor next to my house , what a sight and sound. they are giving tours and rides at the airfield nearby for fundraising. I will go get some pics if the light is still there . going to grab my girfriend and go right now soooo great to see these war birds in action


Mobius one

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A B17 and B 24 flying in formation over the harbor next to my house , what a sight and sound. they are giving tours and rides at the airfield nearby for fundraising. I will go get some pics if the light is still there . going to grab my girfriend and go right now soooo great to see these war birds in action


Mobius one

Wow! I'll get into my Me-109 K-4 and be right over!!!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum
going to grab my girfriend and go right now soooo great to see these war birds in action


Mobius one

Shouldn't it be your camera you are grabbing? :lol:

We get the occasional warbird flying over my house to/from Duxford.

Bes I saw was the Lancaster, flew straight over my head very low, I was in a hired digger creating a pond in the garden at the time (See BG is not alone, except mine is more of a puddle in a flower pot) so no camera!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Mobius One, must be the season for it M8 !

I was sitting on the beach with my better half having a cuddle just like young folks do ! LOL, watching the kids play in the sea at Hayling island beach , (Nr Portsmouth) last Sunday.

Heard the sound of radial engines in the distance, looked and saw the unmistakeble shape of a B17 front on .

Feeling well pleased with my aircraft recognition I stood up shouting "it's a B17, it's a B17 " !!

Everybody looked at me like I was as mad as a box of froggs and Siobhan said "ok, ok easy tiger" !! LMAO

Found out later there was an air show in Sussex and that was where it must have been heading .

Thank heavens for understanding women ay ! LOL

I took a quick snap but it's not that good, sorry .

~S~ Shameless

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I believe it was last week when this occured, but anyway, the Belgian 350th wing celebrated their anniversary....

My house is in a flyingpath towards Brussels, where there are several military bases....

Anyway, I was laying in the grass with the wife (no hankypanky...kids were around...damn kids lol) when I heard a humm I've never heard before...

And there they where, flying low in formation, silver coloured with a red colour on top of the nose...."hmm, I know that shape of that tail...could it.....the wings, yes! spitfires!!"

I went crazy, yelling at my wife to look up, spitfires spitfires!! woohoo, my first ones ever seen alive!!

The humm was smooth, less agressive then those pipers and cesna's flying over all the time.....

One thing stroke me as odd, the cockpit was more off a teardropshape then the one I'm used to from pic's...

To less time to take a pic, so I got to rely on the picture burned on my eye and in my mind forever...

According to BG they might have been Mk24's....I'll never be the same...

PS; keep me chained in Duxford next year, cause I might go crazy!! I feel like I have a bound with it, crazy isn't it?

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Glad you liked them sged , know what you mean M8, I always get a bit choked up when I hear a Merlin!

Very strange really, will try and hide face at Duxford next year , don't want to be called a sissy !!! LMAO

BG , I love kits but don't have the time to build them these days however..... do you know of any company that make a MKIXc or MKIXe Clip wing in 1/35th, 1/32nd or 1/24th scale or even bigger :huh: Now one of those I would find time to build !!!

Had a look on the net but no luck so far .

~S~ Planeless

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If it was a B17 and a 23 together it had to be the Collings foundation...they tour all over the place, and ive photographed them on several occaisions. They also have an A-26C in Korea markings and an F-4D in viet ace Steve Ritchies markings....the only civie owned F-4. Havent seen that yet.

About a decade ago, I heard some radials overhead from my car. I pulled over to a lot, and nearly pooped. it was a B-24. It was Kermit Weeks newly purchased bird (from david Tallichet) and he was makign the delivery flight, and came thru here to refuel. Its a good idea to keep a camera handy.

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Ey Painless...

I made a Spitfire IX /CW on a scale of 1:48...had a choice for a XVI as well, but heh, love the clipped wing model too much :)

The company I use a lot for building models (because the detail is very good, even on small models) is Revell, a German company....

I know there's a Chinese or Japanese or something Aziën-ese out there, but have faced problems with those brands before (they are good for car/bike models though)


Currently working on the FW 190 scale 1:32...

Have a look aroun on their site, they may have bigger models, but not sure, you can always pop em a mail ;)

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Sged, thanks for the info mate, I have seen a MK VIII clip wing by Hasegawa in 1/48 but thats the nearest I've found to the MKIXc clip we fly in JO. (it's got a 4 bladed prop)

The ideal kit would be a 1/32 MKIXc clip, for size and price I think ! LOL

Guess what colours I'm going to paint it !! LOL

~S~ Planeless

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