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Warclouds going to 4.09 without crt=2


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Yea and amen. I can't wait until there is some semblance of order in Hyperlobby. It's coming soon. I appreciate how tough this is for you as an Oleg purist, Dave, and I salute your tolerance and grace.

Oh its not really my choice BA , IMHO its the lesser of 2 evils, but a server has to cater for the majority, or fold.

Still its a long time since someone refered to me as tolerent and gracefull, never been my strong suits

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Dave: doesn't the crt exist to prevent cheats...or is it just to ensure the same version being used?

the crt is to ensure you have the same version as the server, warclouds never used this in the past as there were a lot of korean and chinese fliers and there was difficulty with them due to different language and OS etc .

It helps to prevent cheating by ensuring the core files have not been altered compaired to server.

When the mods came along, there was the outcry over cheating so we went to crt=2 to ensure that everyone was on the same version; and although everyone claimed not to be using them we suddenly lost 80% of the regulars.

So we have decided to go back to allowing mods and hoping the community will police itself.

Cheating has always gone on , using print screen to warp for example , and there has been some blatent FM and DM mods used which we have found and eliminated, but there are new ones available that are difficult to detect but we will have to live with them to allow the majority to fly what they want

The worse thing is that any differences give rise to

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It's funny, maybe it's me, but I just don't get cheating. Not in a video game. Perhaps in a high stakes poker game, cheating makes sense, at least there is something of actual value to be gained. But a freaking VIDEO GAME? I never had a high opinion of human nature, but stroking your own ego with unearned trophies is just........stupid. OH, now I get it. Maybe you guys should put CRT=2 on, Dave, there is (sadly) an endless supply of stupid people out there. :-\

I'll visit either way though. ;)

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