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  • 2. Administrators

...not a problem exactly, but for about the last month everytime I start up my rig, it POSTs twice i.e I get the BIOS splash screen and the single short beep (which I believe denotes POST complete with no errors), at which point my monitor goes to sleep and the PC restarts, but this time boots up into Windows. Any ideas?


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Kinda sounds like your system is checking what monitors are connected.

When it tries a different port, your monitor gets disconnected, goes to sleep, the system switches back to it and it wakes up...


Check whether there's a setting in BIOS that controls this, or check whether you've connected the monitor to the correct output port on the vid card.

Hm, waitaminute, windows 7 aint it?, Hm... not sure, could be normal with that one. I can test if it does anything similar on my system... hold on... I'll be back...

EDIT: I'm using dual boot, so that's no good, can't really compare, sorry...

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  • 2. Administrators

Not the monitor switching on and off m8, the system power cycles.

Nothing to do with win 7 either as this is in the BIOS before the OS is even loaded.

Just a bit...well...odd y'know?


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