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Re: Device Link????


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So if I understand correctly SOW will support this too, So if we wanted we could actually make a pit with working toggles and such and real gauges and have it work Online.

If so, I may actually take this on finally.

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Well I hooked it up today, and ran a track.

It worked, but very laggy, so until I can see a way to remove the jerkyness of it, I see no need in looking into it any further.

I think it may be that I'm using a PII 350mhz with on-board video.

So I may bring my laptop home and try again, its better machine.

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Ir worked online in multiplayer?

No never tried, I figured if I can even run a track smoothly, why bother with online.

At least till I get a diferent machine hooked up it anyways.

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Ok just tried it with wifes machine, AMD 2800 and a 9800 ATI gpu, and it still stutters???

I have a 10/100 nic cards.

What request rate are you using on your 'instrument PC' ?

Didn't know I could adjust that?

PS any one using THIS

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i tried to change this value but did not get any results if i lower the value. and it got slower with increased value. i'm using 1280x1024 109 nad did not try any other set. could it really be that there is a diff in speed from set to set?

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Ok so I fooled with the MS settings, I can clean up the stutter a bit, almost smooth, but now were near as smooth as it is in game.

I'm more inclined to think I just need a 40" monitor, so I can have life size pit on my screen.

Anyone know if these new TV's with the PC hook up are ready for that yet?

OH AND it doesn't work fully online, I noticed Alt,Speed, don't work for sure.

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Anyone know if these new TV's with the PC hook up are ready for that yet?

Yeah, it's possible. You'll either need a graphics card with an HDMI socket, or use a DVI-HDMI adaptor. I've run the game on the 42" LG in the front room, and it's been OK. Not mindblowing, but definitely playable.

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Anyone know if these new TV's with the PC hook up are ready for that yet?

Most new TVs have the little blue D-Type for direct PC conection. Sonys for sure have the PC input at the end of the list after AV1,AV2 HDMI and S-Video

OH AND it doesn't work fully online, I noticed Alt,Speed, don't work for sure.

The online use of Device link was scapped by OLEG after some pointed out you could create alsorts of cheats /aids with it. As you can query ANY variable ingame you can create a radar screen and add gauges you aren't suppoed to have. There was also lag issues.

Instead of fixing the problems Oleg and his team took an axe to the code

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