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Sand Sea and Steel to Run Again?


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Without getting into details and verbose as I tend to do, let me lay it on the line.

I would like to run at least Sand Sea and Steel again, at least map 1, and do so with little or no changes. The reason is to see how it plays out now that people know the basic layout, with the mission objectives made a little more reasonable, and perhaps with people switching sides. This can be done at any time when we can get good number of people (I am thinking a MINIUM of 16, 8 on a side) together for an hour.

What I propose is this:

1) Map set-up and plane set-up stays the same. Some minor tweaks on the map (objects added).

2) The mission objective goals are reduced by around 5 per catagory (the exception being pilots, which are raised to 35, and vehicles, which will likely stay the same).

3) The members of Blue team get their choice: Play blue again, or switch to Brit. Majority vote wins.

I am willing to run this on a Wednesday, Thursday, Friday evening, weekend day, whatever. Sunflower says more of the HH would be interested on joining. Again, the only criteria is that we need a large number of players for it to work.

I would not be able to do it this weekend, but perhaps this Wednesday (when I will doing coops this week), or some time after that.

This partly for fun, and partly for playtest purposes. Let me know what you think.

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Cool. Im for that big time.............especially if psycho is on the opposite side....

I want vengance............GRRRR.

(In Dennis Hopper's "Speed" voice) IM COMIN FOR YA PSYCHO!!!!! :twisted:

Man that was a rush, even if he did clobber me 3 times on the ground in a row.

How bout making it 4 misns this time? It just went too fast last time. That was great.

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would anyone be interested in making it closed cockpit?

seeing as it is a re-fly d/f server - there is no need for the 'sit dead and F2' through the views...

Personally, I think that as well as closed cockpit, it would be nice to have no, or at least limited icons. If any of you have played in the online wars you know the immersion that it provides.

And as Psyco will bomb anything that moves anyways... :P

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I would do it tomorrow, but I have an appointment that would interfere. I thought it was Thursday, but I believe I am in error.

Let me check, but how many would be able to make a thursday event? We could run normal coops and then run the SSS map 1 whenever we the a decent number of players.


BTW, I did try some G-50 verus Pe-2 action, and that was tough nut to crack. I would like to fly blue when we do this to see how it plays out from the other side. Plus, I sink I hav und goot stratigee! YAHVUL!!

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Yah, yah Tersday goot. Oh by the way, just as an Idea to trow aboot, I was thinking a two hour time limit might be better,say two two hour missions (even 1 1/2hr ) and a one hour backup in case the other two go too fast, that might let the scenario play out a bit more fully ( is that a word?), one hour just doesn't seem like enough, especially with the new format. ~S~

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is it Thursday yet?!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

I won't drink any beer this time. I really believe it hindered my abilities that night :lol: so "LOOK OUT RED!!!"

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Yah, yah Tersday goot. Oh by the way, just as an Idea to trow aboot, I was thinking a two hour time limit might be better,say two two hour missions (even 1 1/2hr ) and a one hour backup in case the other two go too fast, that might let the scenario play out a bit more fully ( is that a word?), one hour just doesn't seem like enough, especially with the new format. ~S~

Certainly, nut it depends on the mission and map. Also, based on previous projects like DCG (would like to get back to that), people have different tolerances for the same map and plane set. For some, an hour in the same scenario is torture, others could play for three hours and not notice.

I think for SSS, the map's a bit small for 2 hours, especially without adding units and/or raising objective limits. This is all really preliminary, though. We need to fly a lot more (Yahhhh!) to really judge.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Glenn, OK M8 , I'm free all evening Thursday now, so bring it on big boy !!! LOL

Cockpit always on !! suits me , I thought everyone flew that way 99% of the time anyway ??

Limited icons .... bloody good idea too , means a foe can be snuck up on from behind !!! (MY FAV LOL)

~S~ Painless

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

my only reservation with limited icons is that did it not get brouhgt up when we had that really busy sunday night and a consensus of opions felt that a lower graphics setting would help the lag and stutters, well, is that not going to make plane id difficult?

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