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Uping processor power....


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Thanks gents, good info there Gec. Do you have Paypal? That would be a way to get the postage to you.

It was used as a server for years, Brando, according to the gent I got it off.

Bios flashing

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Well, try it before you think of a BIOS flash - it may well be fine. Bearing in mind that the 'latest' BIOS probably dates from 2000, it may very well be there already.


Edit: Bios Issue Date:2000/07/06. That's the latest. Before you swap the CPUs - boot up and look at the initial screen. The BIOS date is written there.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

More advice please gents...

With regard to this http://www.abit.com.tw/page/uk/motherboard/motherboard_detail.php?pMODEL_NAME=BH6&fMTYPE=Slot%201&pPRODINFO=BIOS my bios is 'JJ'.

In order to install a Pentium III 700mhz (cheers Gec), which update should I install....if any?



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Lol, perhaps we ought to start a new thread dedicated to Mechs.... ;) This installation on the 98 OS is the first time ever I felt the force feedback through the stick..great fun.

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Lol, perhaps we ought to start a new thread dedicated to Mechs.... ;) This installation on the 98 OS is the first time ever I felt the force feedback through the stick..great fun.

just finished mechwarrior 4 vengeance and black Knight .

was halfway through Mech4 mercs for then n'th time when my GPU failed.

completey forgot about mech3 (bushwackers rule

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Im in 2 minds which version was closest to the original concept.

Mech 3 had the artemisIV ,upgradable AMS ,CASE , DoubleHeatSinks, jumpjets for any mech AND the MobileFieldBase. It included wieght limits for your stockpile plus your ammo was limited which ment that you sometimes had to ditch your favorite weapon due to ammo shortages.The damage model also allowed mechs to be disabled without blowing up.

The probem was it allowed corruption of the basic mech types. It allowed the changing of the internal structure of each mech and the placement of ANY weapon on any part of the mech. This allowed Catapults and Vulchures to carry AC20s in the misssile pods and All-missile supernovas.

It also allowed scoutmechs to carry 1 or 2 masive weapons instead of 4or5 small ones

Mech 4 fixed this by adding the colour coded slots of differnt sizes. But at a masive cost all the best features of the original were droped.

I still prefer Mech4 but I pine for the features of 3

which do you perfer??

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I have installed Mech4 a couple of times but always get no further than the first mission. I like the visuals but i can't get on with the GUI or the pilots' controls and weapon selection - I really ought to give it more time. My lad had a copy of Mech2 but I have never been one for strategic games, I like to get up close and personal....

I am SOOO used to Mech 3 and love it's ease of use, simplicity in weapon selection and use and the campaign storyline. Perhaps with the limited time I have for games other than IL2 I am sticking doggedly to 3 because of familiarity rather than taking the time to move on and learn something new. I hadn't played it for a year or so because I got fed up with Windows XP and the 'bouncing' tanks syndrome. It didn't always do it but when it did and they stayed airborne I couldn't move on - hence the reason for getting 98.

I don't recall what inspired me recently but I have always gone back to Mech 3. Have you tried it online? I did once many years ago but never went back. 

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