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question for the UK Dogz


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Can't get that vid here in the UK, would be nice if one of you NA guys could download it and post it for us, would like to know what 'they' don't want us to know..

Galloway is an arse, a despicable slimy wriggling piece of shit..

Oh wait, he's a politician, so that's normal...except he is better at it than most..

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George Galloway

Definitely a self-seeking, self-publicising fool - he really got caught out by Saddam Hussein, who outsmarted him by using him as a propaganda tool. The nearest comparison I can think of is Oswald Mosely, whose admiration of Adolf Hitler got him ejected from the pre-war Conservative government. Both ends of the political spectrum have people who fall off the edge. Galloway was ejected from the Labour party in 2004 and is not representative of mainstream politics in the UK.


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