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Jedi's trip to Yorkshire


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The abbey is called Roche Abbey, was built by Cistertian monks in 1170-1180, and was far more extensive than what is left. The engineering of it is staggering, considering the gatehouse and the two main towers still stand after 900 years and an artillery barrage.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Ah yes.....I remember the night we had the party in there that led to it ending up in the state it is today. Those Sisters can get pretty rowdie once they have had a few drinks..... :drunken_smilie:

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  • 2. Administrators

According to local history, the destruction of Roche Abbey was due to the Dissolution. Despite the Abbey passing into the hands of the Crown in 1558, the local population decided that they had first claim on the Abbey and its artefacts. Wkipedia in usual fashion states that this was done on the orders of one Oliver Cromwell, despite the fact that the Dissolution started in 1538 and he was born in 1599. Ho hum

~S~ Jabo

PS - You should have dropped in for tea Jedi, you were only about 10 miles from where I live!

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