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Help me pleeeeeeez.


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Well the news is.......my new rig is assembled, or so I thought.

I plugged it in, turned the power on & nothing sizzled or smoked. :)

A few lights on the mother board came on. Including a start button that slowly pulses on & off.

So I press the power button on my case & she roars to life. All sorts of things light-up & the fans are running. Thus I listen for a short beep & watch the monitor.............Well, no beep & the monitor never light just stays orange.

What the crap have I done wrong?

Streaks is a very sad panda. :(

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What kind of video card?

Sapphire Radeon HD 4870 X2

It requires 2 plugs from the power supply. One six pin (IDE?) and an eight pin.

I tried pulling the memory and running with each one alone, but nothing different happened.

Will give Gec's suggestion a try when I get home this evening. :-\

Thanks for the help so far everyone.

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  • 2. Administrators

The six pin plug is a specific one for gfx cards. If your psu is new it should have at least one. Not sure about the eight pin one though, my card uses two six pin connectors instead.

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Thank you thank you thank you Mr. Cuda :wav2:

The 8 prong I had on the vid card was for the mobo. Somehow I missed plugging a second power supply to the board. :drunken_smilie:

Plugged it in and attached the correct power supply to the vid card and she fired right up, slicker than snot!

Windows XP 64 bit is loading as I type this. :headbang:

Thank again to all who helped me get it going. Woo Hoo....first build ever up & running....I might have to go run naked in the snow to celebrate. :)

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