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Wingtip Smoke


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Hmmmmmm....... Do you have wingtip smoke assigned to a controller button via keystroke that is repeating? ( I've done this before) or perhaps your keyboard has a sticky key? to test this just open notepad while your controller software is running, the results will be obvious. Past that I'm not sure, but I'll think on it.

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sorry Badaim, I didn't make myself clear. Player x is another player on the server. We were flying blue. 6 players in total.

I didn't want to name him until I have a logical explaination.

p.s I never use wingtip smoke. It is assigned to "T" . Default.

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Ohhhhhhhhh, now I get it!!!! Well.... perhaps this is still your explaination, poor bloke could well have a controller problem. Or maybe he passed out face down on his keyboard :lol:

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