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PassMark Performance Test Results


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  • 1. DDz Quorum


My result with a stock PhenomII x2 (2 cores unlocked so an x4 now):

post-284-006603600 1288568497_thumb.png


post-284-042524400 1288568515_thumb.png

No over clocking, and I can see my CPU and RAM (can't remember brand but it's running at a paltry 667MHz :( ) are holding things back.

Pleased to see the 1024 HD4870 has some life in it yet though!

OK my RAM is G.Skill and rated for 800MHz, not sure why I didn't get it running at it's optimum speed...

Me thinks there may be some fettling to do :)

post-284-073198500 1288568928_thumb.png

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