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  • 2 months later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Mike, I don't think anyone here uses the 352nd as an installation, we have gone for the AAA set that can be found in the Vault here http://www.dangerdogz.com/K9Vault/p13_sectionid/11

Put a thread or look in the Mods thread and hopefully you'll get all the info you need m8


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  • 2. Administrators

Hi toad,

its a new mod this week that is designed to work with Uranium effects, just changes the smoke from fires, and you enable through jsgme. I've been using this week and will use it online tonight for a trial, but no obvious fps peformance loss that i've seen so far on my system.

Its possibly a little over the top, but it does look damn good, i got it from here, but its at SAS and AAA as well,

Smoke effect

just enable through jsgme, and overwrite the 4 or so files from uranium that it flags up.

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