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Level bombing Manual V2.0 from bfs THOR


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If anyone is interested? THOR over at bfs finished his second round manual.� I have read the first one and it taught a lot about level bombing. but BBloke showed me most of what I know about level bombing.

I haven't read this one yet but I am sure to.


<!-- m -->http://www.battle-fields.com/commscentr ... hp?t=18146<!-- m -->

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I use this all the time for level bombing. You already have had this mod with UP. Put this at the bottom of your conf.ini file:




These are my settings. The second one defaults the Speedbar to MPH when you start a mission. You can read up on these settings in the UP Docs file: ...\Ultr@PackDocs\HUDConfig_v1_README.txt

Also, enable the 00_HUDConfig_v1 mod 'after' he Zuti mod (if you are using Zuti).

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  • 2. Administrators

I use this all the time for level bombing. You already have had this mod with UP. Put this at the bottom of your conf.ini file:




These are my settings. The second one defaults the Speedbar to MPH when you start a mission. You can read up on these settings in the UP Docs file: ...\Ultr@PackDocs\HUDConfig_v1_README.txt

Also, enable the 00_HUDConfig_v1 mod 'after' he Zuti mod (if you are using Zuti).

Snacko's right, its already part of UP, and you enable it through jsgme, with the conf.ini changes he's written above (altough i just use the tas setting), i've been using it for ages, its good, you just cycle through with the toggle speedbar button, and it gives you 3 more displays, including tas/khm.

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