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De-classified photos Mission 15:Funflak and Painless vs 109


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Funflak crashes.


Painless keeps firing.


Funflak's explosion takes out the 109.


Painless can't avoid the fireballs.


The force of these 2 explosions tear off his left wing and he crashes.



This chain reaction only took a few seconds.An incredible event,but a costly one.

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I have their whole chase well documented.I chose to show the end well,..just because.

Interesting how 2 J.O. instructors would do this sort of thing.Obviosly their Target Fixation was extreme.There was no comms bewteen them at all during this.An amazing and funny event,but I'd like to keep it as an example of what not to do. :spank:

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Maybe I'll submit the whole sequence starting from when I tagged this 109 first and got him smoking and then broke off as Painless had a better firing solution than I.Painless and then Funflak took up the chase to it's climactic end,.....to DT for the movie.I think the whole thing is only 1min or so.Even if it's longer DT can edit it as he wishes.

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