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Connection Problems


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Have you spoken to BT m8, are they aware?

As an aside, and as support in other areas of your computer, are you running a maintenance programme? One like this http://www.tuneup-software.co.uk/produc ... utilities/ is very useful - download the trial version and let it do whatever. I have the full version and it's proven very useful - it optimises many things, including net connections.

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  • 2. Administrators

Hah! Welcome to the UK - BT are currently refusing to admit my connection problems are down to their useless fuggin hardware - I've just got off the phone after another hour-long discussion about the WIFI card in my machine playing up (which it isn't) and not the HomeHub (which is). Why won't some people understand!!!! AAAARGHHH!!!

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I had that iussue with BT - they were blaming my pooters and would NOT admit it was their antiquated equipment that couldn't cope. A frustrating few months that resulted in both Homehubs (1 replacement) being slung into a corner and us returning to a faultless, creamy smooth service from Telewest/Virgin. The BT engineer that visited eventually, and whom we refused to pay for, had no explanation for the useless service I was showing him. BT.....Bloody Tat.......

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