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What does SBD mean?


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

SBD = Shipborne (Carrier-based) Bomber - Dive. A way of designating where it operates from, what it does and how it does it (not always used).

Other examples -

TB - Avenger, Torpedo/bomber

P51 - Pursuit/Patrol, as in fighter/interceptor, as opposed to

PBY - Patrol/Bomber/Consolidated(Y = designation for manufacturer)

Interesting stuff

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Heh heh. WHAT did you expect herr Sid?

For God's sake, dont' ask anything to do with sheep, wool, mutton, lamb, Brokeback mtn, etc. :take_one:

The Navy's designation system was pretty odd sometimes. Like TBF and TBM were both Avengers, but one was built by Grumman and the other by GM (I think). Sorta like the difference between P-51 B and C models...it's not the canopy, it's the place where they were built.

I guess they decided to put numbers in the Navy fighter designations.

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