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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Well, today, in my house, an electronic hero..!

Please excuse this little piece of trumpet blowing, but I have just successfully replaced the touch screen in my daughters Nintendo DS, saving me approx £80 ! on the cost of new one

Go daddy, Go daddy, Go daddy........

(trumpet replaced in cupboard)


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  • 1. DDz Quorum


It was actually quite straight forward, just a bit fiddly. It cost me £25 all in for a new screen and special 3 point screwdriver.

I had to sus out how the ribbon cables were fixed to the circuit board, once I had done that, as I say it was not too bad.

I got the screen from a firm in Devon. Placed the order Friday morning, it arrived with the postman Saturday morning. They do a repair service as well. If you want the details I'll forward them.



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Bravo Friar. Rest assured that your daughter will remember that act of kindness for quite some time. Another great parent / child bonding moment for the DD's forum. Actually kinda' gives me the blues as I don't see my little one that often. Thanks for being "our" HERO too mate.

Logos :iwg:

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  • 1. DDz Quorum
Rest assured that your daughter will remember that act of kindness for quite some time.

I doubt it she is 12, nearly 13 going on 33. Knows it all with an attitude to match sometimes. Wont do much around the house, even complains about a "Voluntary Chores Chart" being put on the wall.

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Rest assured that your daughter will remember that act of kindness for quite some time.

I doubt it she is 12, nearly 13 going on 33. Knows it all with an attitude to match sometimes. Wont do much around the house, even complains about a "Voluntary Chores Chart" being put on the wall.

Very nice and handy work Colin.

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I have the same as Mick and Kelly. 2 boys - lego, hockey, fight, fight, wrestle, hockey, etc etc ad nauseum.

The younger one is quite a fixer though - when one of his toys stops working for whatever reason, he takes it apart himself.

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