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Oleg answers... again


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I saw over on the Zoo that someone posted this link to Oleg's latest Q&As...


One interesting reply was this...

Originally Posted by Evgeny

5. Did the "hack" of IL-2, slow the development of SOW Bob?.....in general, you have been silent on this issue, please comment if you would?

Oleg -

We do not have any plans to support IL-2 anymore. We are 500% busy with BoB and following after that series. 4.09m will be the last. The protection from cheaters will make other group of enthusiasts that are in contact with me. We will be able only to answer their questions, but will do nothing ourselves in code. Simply, because no time. 4.09 is some user’s made add-on. Our work is only to check and compile.

It would be SO good if Oleg allowed this 'group of enthusiasts' the freedom to continue supporting/enhancing/protecting IL-2 after 4.09m. Imagine if they could get a 'clean' implementation of the sound mode?


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