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Mother of all spit pits(Painless advisory)


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I guess it's true when they say "the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys." I can understand having a passion for flight simming but, this has obviously crossed into full blown obsession.

Someone please call Dr. Phil, Oprah, Montel, or some one if I ever dare have any ideas such as this. I guess if I was independently wealthy I could justify it. Hmmm? Na', don't think so. Nice construction techniques though. Very well made up kit. Perhaps better than the original.

Logos :flying: :pysch_couch:

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Nick, Thank heavens for people like that I say !

Anyone who loves Spitfires that much is OK by me LOL.

Just working out how large an extension to our bungalow would have to be to house the finished cockpit ;)

~S~ Pitless,

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