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New Model For Christmas - 1/32 Dragon P-51D


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very nice - I have started my 1/48th P-51d, it will be my first spray job and also first bare metal finish so Im still unsure how itll turn out - if you have any good spray tips please pass it on - I have a revell brush and using cans- having read more Ill probably ned to get a mini - compressor - shit this is getting as expensive as Il2

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I used xtracolor for my luftwaffe - they are nice colours but take a long time to dry properly and so are tricky

http://www.wonderlandmodels.com/Xtracol ... 41325.html

I have changed to tamiya acrylics but might get the spray can for the final finish

http://www.wonderlandmodels.com/AS12-Ba ... 78409.html

with some baking aluminium foil glued on to random panels for effect

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More engine work completed. The frame is glued in upper and lower sections for now, but not to each other. It's going to get a coat of paint soon. I'm considering doing a gold or silver undercoat, then the flat black overcoat to weather away, leaving the silver or gold (one modeller I read a review on used gold.)



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Looking good -

I fancy a 1/32 ME109 F4 but Iv got a few to finish first.

Do you find that the detailing work like the cockpit is easier on the larger scale? My eyes are getting old for the 1/48th

Oh, absolutely, Dave. It depends on the model, of course (there are some real dogs out there for 1/32 planes.)

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Tail assembly completed. Rudder is posable, as was the elevators to be, but they had too noticeable of a gap, so I cemented them in a slight droop (hydraulics have let them sag a bit after parking at dispersal.)

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Ok, the left wing gun bay is done. Compare the before and after - first time I've done something like this. The inside edge border is cut up spare/scrap brass from the model's own photo-etch set, painted flat aluminium.


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