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ATI 3870


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You could be right Jim. I still have some more tweeking to with the Tray Tools. The gains are getting smaller, and frame

rates in game seem fairly constant at 20, 45, 60 in Black Death.

It was definatly not worth £164 for the small gain that I have. The X1900XT was a great card for IL2. Maybe with a better driver

the 3870 will come good. Still, nothing venured nothing gained. :)

On a brighter note, I now have 333 FSB speed, giving my E6300 CPU 2.3 gig from 1.86 standard. Woo hoo!

This was achieved by following BBloke's advice and pushing the ram voltage up to 2.1v from 1.85v as per Corsair spec.

Made no difference to frame rates though.

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On a brighter note, I now have 333 FSB speed, giving my E6300 CPU 2.3 gig from 1.86 standard. Woo hoo!

This was achieved by following BBloke's advice and pushing the ram voltage up to 2.1v from 1.85v as per Corsair spec.

Made no difference to frame rates though.

Great to hear its all working and Overclocked too.

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Well I now have it playing IL2 acceptably with good frame rates. I was interested to see how it would perform with a modern game.

Installed Call of Duty 4 and wow, the intro movie alone just blew me away! Great game, but too intense for this old geezer. :bg:

Graphics wise, cod 4 is very impressive with the 3870.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Stop Kling, no more talk about these matters, you've awoken a bug inside,

"new graphic card like Klinger has....Klinger said get new monitor..must follow Klinger


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