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How Badly Do You Hate the Idea of a Mod?


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I will never eat another vegatable as long as I shall live. Except for potato chips which ain't really got much potatoes in them after processing.

I think we are just being cautious for the sake of the group DT. It isn't a personal matter. I reckon if you think it's worth the risk then have at it. I think for the Dogz however we have already figured out that it really isn't worth the risk after experiencing BG's computer going down several times while trying to host coops after he installed it.

I don't like the cheesy sound either but, I am more concerned with keeping this game what it is now, not what it may morph into after the Frankenstein modders have had their way with it.

I am old school and damn proud of it. Come kill me in the plane of your choice with the crappy sounding engine and cheesy sounding cannons and machine guns. Roger wilco over and out.

Logos :nerd:

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I play with crappy headphones so the glorious sounds will be lost on me....

I firmly believe in the "If its not broke dont fix it! " rule. This is down to working as an engineer for 20+ years.

Ive lost count of the number of people who endlessly tweek and patch their PC /game and post how much better it is only to find out that said PC/Game died a few days later. Over clockers who post that they got an extra 2 Mz from the GPU core. 2 days later their screen goes black......

But the first games I played on line were MODs

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My idea of trying a Modded flying session went down in more flames than Richard Simmons at an all male slumber party, so I decided to gather more information to determine how wildly off the mark I was in suggesting it...




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Heh heh. Im relieved at the reaction to Mr. Simmons image..........but I'm still not gonna pick up my soap around any of you F*ckers. Somebody may be putting on a front.

Anyway, I left the mod alone because it supposedly messes wiht the FMB, and I spend most of my time in that. Why the hell couldnt they just change the damn sounds and be done with it?

But NOOOOOOOO. They gotta put the damn space shuttle in it. Poooey.


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I've come to the conclusion I'm better off answering one of the numerous emails I receive on a day to day basis telling me I need a penis enlargement than apply any mod to the game.

I'm also going to start my own spamming campaign as I find the afore mentioned emails down right annoying.

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