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Weapon Loadouts - What are we regularly taking? Your Help Is Required.


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

I have long been wanting to do something with logistics within DCS.

Now that we have the Hercules (and soon hopefully with the same capabilities', the "Hook") I need to know what weapons do we load onto our planes and helicopters. Our primary plane set is pretty set (A10, F5, F14, F15, F16, F18, MC2000, Huey, Apache), obviously I will the add requirements of new modules as they come on line.

Would you please all help me to set up the "warehouse" of what we take, I am willing to bet that you all have favourite loadouts for CAP, SEAD, Ground Attack etc and take the same loadouts each time. I need to know what types and the correct name (e.g. Aim-120-B) and nick-name (if applicable for when the Logistics Officer gets shouted at "We NEED MAVERICKS, NOW!"), not just "Sidewinder" for example. I need bombs and missiles / rockets.

My intension is to utilize into our missions the standard DCS Resources feature, where I can set the stock levels for equipment and weapons which get depleted each time you load your plane up (and re-stocked if you bring them home unused, the Stores Manager will NOT take in used items), meaning that at some point we will need to re-stock from a Supply Point, otherwise its "No Warheads On Foreheads" for you!

I can do the same with fuel but I think that will be "Phase 2".

Many thanks for your assistance with this.




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Well Colin that sounds like a great idea.

Although it always great if we can choose what we need on the fly for a mission situation at hand on the fly.  Pretty most of the weapons available for each helio or jet. Although there may be some  that are not practical or effective. Harpoons seems to be one type but, there is enemy sea vessels that have to be neutralized or eliminated. I love the idea thou.

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Ok, now I have cracked adding missing items, please check the list below for the load-outs you use and make sure it can be re-supplied if required. If its not in the lists below and the airfield runs out of stock you will not be able to load up your plane with that ordinance again. I am considering implementing this both for the campaign AND the regular Thursday / Monday (Tuesday) sessions. Please let me know as soon as possible if you spot something missing. If you also have any comments on the initial stock numbers, please let me know. I am thinking of setting the active airfields to 50 units only for each weapon, but that may be too low. If anyone wants to come up with a list of alternative numbers please let me know. 

The re-supply point(s) will have pretty much un-limited stocks so can re-supply as many times as required.








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