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Red Baron - New Movie


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Ditto what DT said. That damn flyboys movie was doomed since it was made by hollywood fruitcakes that knew nothing about the subject matter. Krauts flying nothing but tripes. BS. they mixed types all over the place, although the flying scenes were entertaining.

This does look a bit more serious an attempt. The last good WW1 flying movie was The Blue Max back in the 60s, but I dont think thyey ever put it on DVD.

Anyway, here is some actual combat footage of ol Manfred being nailed by the guy who really got him.....an American pilot flying a damn doghouse.

I won a bunch of money thru the yrs from elementary thru high school from idiots who refused to believe the Baron was anything other than a product of Charles Shultz's imagination. I always loved the look on their faces when I brought the appropriate books and opened them in front of a large crowd for maximum humiliating effect.


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