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Web site and TS3 Move

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi all.

I am consolidating the the web site and TS3 server onto the game server to reduce our monthly costs.

Everything is now prepared and working in new location, I will be swinging the DNS across during Euro quiet time and, as far as the web site goes, this should be pretty transparent to you all.
TS3 *may* be a little more challenging, I cannot test that until I can stop the old server and transfer the license, but am am quite confident it will work!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

Rog, this morning I found the website unavailable. ('Took too long to respond, Pinging dangerdogz.com [] showed Request timed out)

 Logged on to server, noticed this: 



Restarted the server (Power, Restart), and now it's available again.

Edit: And it replies to the ping command now...

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Thanks Arjen, not sure why it went offline but looking into it now.

Colin: I'll get a proper SSL cert generated, then switch site to HTTPS and that 'not secure' will go away.

  • Thanks 4
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