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Those were the days


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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, excellent "yank tank" pics, they have a style all of their own don't they.

Bloody hell Pooka, you look like one mean dude in that photo !! LOL

I hope you mellowed a bit during your time as a sheriff ?? ;)

BG , you are doing your "stud on both sides of the Atlantic" pose there right ?? LOL ;)

~S~ Painful

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  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Chaps, excellent "yank tank" pics, they have a style all of their own don't they.

Bloody hell Pooka, you look like one mean dude in that photo !! LOL

I hope you mellowed a bit during your time as a sheriff ?? ;)

BG , you are doing your "stud on both sides of the Atlantic" pose there right ?? LOL ;)

~S~ Painful

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Mr Pooka Sir !!

Bloody hell Pook , remind me to be especially respectful to you next time we are on TS Sir LOL ;)

You looked mean when you were young and nothing much has changed !! LOL

I would like to see one of you smiling so I can relax a little ! ;)

Cheers M8,

~S~ Painless

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