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Will this run IL2

Mobius One

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I would hit rock bottom and test it from there. ie: excellent with some landscape settings on medium.

Use IL2Setup and on the video tab set the following:

Settings: Custom

Texture Mipmap Filter: Bilinear

Texture Compression: None

Use Dither: On

Use Vertex Arrays: On

Polygon Stipple: On

Disable All: Off

Do an FPS test with Black Death and see what you get.

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I would hit rock bottom and test it from there. ie: excellent with some landscape settings on medium.

Use IL2Setup and on the video tab set the following:

Settings: Custom

Texture Mipmap Filter: Bilinear

Texture Compression: None

Use Dither: On

Use Vertex Arrays: On

Polygon Stipple: On

Disable All: Off

Do an FPS test with Black Death and see what you get.

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