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IL-2 Mod/Hacks Discussion


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  • 5 weeks later...

http://www.allaircraftarcade.com/forum/ ... php?t=1064

I love it, I love it at long last I can fly a B-17 even if i got to look at a B-25 dash It will be just fine.

Oleg get over youself i say, this has improved my game 100% having good sounds and being able to fly a Real Bomber. Stand up like you got a set and try it out for yourself, I did, they even got a switcher for it to turn it off and on. You can rest assured if I get a chance to hop in a B-17 I will be there. As for BOB, no B-17 no buy it here. After year of quality MODS for games like Command and Conquer it is about time for this in IL2, get to use a few of these planes that I been wishing I could fly now, heaven knows Oleg wont put em in it someones got too and I ~S~ the chap that did it. I say if a m8 host a game with it in it tell me up front and I be happy and easy to get along with, as for the m8 that wants to call me a cheat you dont know me at all and you can kiss me 6, I dont need a mod to get on someones 6 but I need one to hop in a B-17 in this game and would pay for it if Oleg get off his six and get me one. Hmmm, kinda unfinnished this new dvd, lets see who else does that, but with operating systems, I cringe as this thought leaves my mind.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I finally got the sound mod working. It took me almost 2 days of screwing around with it. I was able to get it installed quickly and without any trouble but when I tried to launch it, I would get the Russian Flash screen then it would freeze at 5% loading. I must have copied my game at least 10 times, downloaded 4 different versions of the sound mod but still the same result. Then I reinstalled the whole game and tried it again using the standard conf.ini. This time it worked.

But when I added my missions, user files, and config.ini, it stalled again. By comparing the standard conf. ini with my regular one with joystick settings and preferences etc., I was able to isolate several of differences and finally got it working.

No question the sounds are very impressive, the merlins are great, the Bf 109s sound like diesels and the P38 sound like it is being followed by a pack of bombers the noise is so great.

This particular mod permits you to fly some AI like the HS -129-B3 1944 but with a 110 cockpit. It does NOT include the FM changes where you can make a Buffalo fly like a 262.

After all the trouble I had installing it and the fact that version 4.09 should be available within the next month, I can't recommend that any of you install it. I think it will be more trouble than it is worth. If you do try it make sure you back up your game first.

If you must have it, you can get it here

http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/view ... 659487c623

You will have to register to get it.

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I've had it a couple days now. Downloaded the the self installing one & had no problems.

JP, the spit sounds good, the radials sound pretty good, but the jet engine gave me a woody :). Had to hang out on the jets server with Psycho last evening & wreak some havoc.

Note to Psycho:(I hate you & those frig'n missiles you farg'n bastage! But I'll be back for more.....)

Haven't tried any of the new flyables, but I would think you still have the correct armament, just the wrong cockpit view.

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